The ultimate beauty checklist before bed

The ultimate beauty checklist before bed Posted 21st September 2016 at 8:00 AM, Nicole Bradley, Facebook Pinterest trill google More...

The ultimate beauty checklist before bed

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You wear your favorite pajamas, made a cup of tea, and is on the sofa ready binge watching a few episodes of the strangest things about Netflix embraced. to regulate Before deciding at night, it is important to take appropriate measures "not ready" to achieve to feel his own car to bed.


The first is the first thing - pull your hair back. There is nothing worse, stuck as a small tuft of hair on the wet face when you try to clean the night. Use tongs or elastically to throw in a bun or ponytail, or pull it with a diadem.

Through the small things blog

remove makeup

I'm sure you're sick of this evening make-up said, is removed, but words can not express how much this step. Makeup face can be seen not only by washing, and the remaining residue can cause blemishes and wrinkles. Makeup can wipes be removed with a conventional cleaning or make-up, but a different approach Ponds Cold Cream Cleanser ($ 5, Simply rub the cream all over the face and eyelids (this is impressive mascara and eyeliner to become complicated!) And wipe with a cloth.

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Clean the face

Begin by rinsing your face with warm water - heat opens the pores and loosen dirt. Make sure that the water is not too hot sure though; Hot water will dry out the skin. Use to wash a lot of the size of a coin of your favorite face - I use simple Cleansing Foam ($ 6, - and face foam for 30 seconds. Then rinse your face to remove any remaining cleaner.

From Michelle Phan


Scrub 1-2 times one week rids your body of dead cells of the skin tired and they need to go. While some grain good, smooth when Gesichtspeeling. Use your fingers to gently massage the scrub of choice in his face, turning movements. St. Ives Apricot Scrub ($ 3.50, is my go-to because it made with all natural ingredients and smells good. As for meat, I tried to make my own ground coffee scrub and it worked wonders. Caffeine makes your skin firmer and brighter, and you have to love what behind java smell left!

With Gimme Some Oven


Dry your face after cleansing like a simple task seems to be, but there is more than meets the eye. First, it is important to pat the face with a clean towel instead of rubbing. Rubbing can irritate the skin and stretch in order to accelerate the formation of wrinkles. Lather tends to accumulate in these areas - as well as not miss the edges of the nose and ears.

From Michelle Phan

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize

To moisturize the skin, it is important to start with the right moisturizer. Now I can not use this moisturizer, so that the work say different for each form. But here's a tip: pay attention to the ingredients in the bottle moisturizer. If the first ingredient is water, then the moisturizer is water-based. If the first component is oil and moisturizer oil-based. However, water-based moisturizer is easier and more likely to work best for faces and, while oil (heavy body butters and creams fall into this category) under makeup are the basic moisturizing often used in the rest of the body.

For your face, start with something less than a small amount of moisturizer. Rub your hands to ensure a couple of times a uniform distribution, and begins to rub her cheeks, work your way up her forehead and chin, the end of his nose. do not forget so that you get the foam from his neck, as dry as his face.

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Apply eye cream

When you apply your eye cream at night, use it to gently massage your ring finger (the weakest finger) for DAB or eye cream and under eyes eyelids. Be careful not to pull the skin around the eyes - the skin is particularly sensitive and prone to fine lines Here's a tip: the cream near the eyes is applied .. How heats your body is cream. The last thing you want is to run eye cream in the eyes when you sleep!

with Dumbbelle

Brush teeth

Last but not least, it's time to brush chompers! While this may seem routine and there are some important details to consider. First, go for about two and a half minutes. This can be 30 seconds to the outer surface of the bottom, to 30 seconds on the inner surface of the bottom, to 30 seconds to the outer surface of the upper part 30 seconds to the inner surface of the top and when the surfaces of chewing. Remember, language, either! His tongue is a debris trap bacteria and food - if that is not reason enough to clean your tongue, I do not know what is. As for washing, go seem hard like a better job of cleaning teeth to be, but it is actually very harmful to the enamel. Take a softer approach, brush at an angle in a circular motion.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: The ultimate beauty checklist before bed
The ultimate beauty checklist before bed
Water Based Moisturizer
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