9 Tips to get the most out of your face - oils Bustle

Facial Oil is one of those skin care a little intimidating may be ingredients to use, but is changing overall game if you add to your routi...

Facial Oil is one of those skin care a little intimidating may be ingredients to use, but is changing overall game if you add to your routine. But even if you already swear by none, is what really makes the best out of your oil for the face ? It is in reality, there are many different ways to optimize use (and many different types of tests) its advantages. So to find out exactly what you need for a facial oil into your beauty regimen and how to use it, I sent an e - mail with Maria Delgado, Director of Operations for artnaturals and Beth białko, Global Education Developer Dermalogica .

After białko of oils face of work for all skin types because they "can strengthen greatly, moisturize and protect the skin while providing a healthy, soft and moist surface to promote." And if you fear that adding oil routine can lead to clogged pores, cause breakouts, or are too thick, not fear. Białko explains that when using vegetable oils instead of synthetic derivatives or petroleum-based, effectively treat skin problems such as dryness, aging, uneven skin tone and sensitivity without causing new concerns. that is, if you know how to use their oils, so you can make the most of your facial oil and skin health routine, here are nine things you should know.:

1. Apply the oil after the water-based products

Try Dermalogica Phyto, add $ 75 oil, Dermalogica

He always wondered if you need to be applied your face oil before or after moisturizer? After Delgado: "You can use a facial oil instead of a night cream or moisturizer after the water-based." If you prefer a heavier moisturizer, but said that he apply białko the oil in your moisturizer before entering. In this way you will be able to reap the benefits of all skin care.

2. Mix to finish with moisturizer syringes

Of course you can also use a moisturizer on your face, the oil mix their power or give your skin to increase a finite dewier. And if you like what dewiness and extra moisture, białko even an oil with its first make-up or foundation proposes mixing before use.

3. Do not rub

"It is always better to prevent rubbing on your face and pull the skin and to prevent the product from sinking and to be fully absorbed," Delgado said. Therefore, it is recommended that the oil to heat up in the hands press before gently on your face for optimal absorption.

4. You only need a few drops

Depending on skin type, both agree experts that somewhere switched between three and six drops of oil or can use twice per day. Of course, the skin of the dryer, more oil may be used and may be used more frequently.

5. Choose the right oil for your skin type

Try SheaMoisture 100% pure shea butter, $ 9 target

If you prone skin more fat or acne Delgado recommends a light oil such as jojoba, apricot, hazelnut, sesame or used. For normal skin types to dry, use a moisturizing oil such as coconut, almonds or Shea suggested.

6. Try mixing in essential oils

Try artnaturals tree essential oil tea, $ 4, artnaturals

Delgado also shows that you mix the essential oils in the oils for the face to the additional benefits . For example, it is said that the essential tea tree oil is great help to treat acne and lavender essential oil helps reduce swelling.

7. Use oil instead of eye cream

Try Kopari coconut Melt, $ 36, Sephora

One of the best things about facial oil is, however, that it can also be used in the most sensitive areas of the face. After Delgado, one of these zones lower eye. Instead cream under the eyes, or simply you need additional moisture, the drying in coconut oil is recommended because it provides deep moisture.

8. You can moisturize lips with oil

Try artnaturals Jojoba - oil, 13 $, artnaturals

If your lips need a little more food, Delgado suggests pat coconut or jojoba oil on the lips with the rest of his face.

9. used even on the eyebrows and eyelashes

Try Josie Maran 100 percent pure argan oil, $ 48, Sephora

While you are there, do not forget your eyelashes and eyebrows. After Delgado: "The argan oil works on the eyebrows and eyelashes, to moisturize the skin and to stimulate growth."

As the face of oil is really a miracle, if you know how to use.

Images: bottlein / pixabay; Courtesy of the mark; Miki Hayes (1)



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: 9 Tips to get the most out of your face - oils Bustle
9 Tips to get the most out of your face - oils Bustle
Water Based Moisturizer
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