11 reasons why your makeup does not last all day and mdash; And how to fix it

Andreas Rentz / Getty Summary information: • Your make - up will not last if you use the wrong technique, sweat a lot, or have ...

506264906 Getty Images Andreas Rentz / Getty

Summary information:

• Your make - up will not last if you use the wrong technique, sweat a lot, or have oily skin.

There are mornings when I throw in some blush and a little concealer, just before the door to tilt. On other days they put me in a bit more work -. Maybe I do a winged eyeliner, or lovingly painted dark lips Despite my efforts, I hate it when my makeup does not take all day.

I wonder why I bother when I came 11 hours, it seems that I saw out of the bed and uncovered only with his face through the door. In other words, if I take the time, I would like to make it look like I have taken the time. In addition, I was the makeup Sharing and feel professional. So I would like to take up (at least) until I get home.

This frustration is compounded by the mystery of it all. Why does my makeup does not last all day? I started. He was there. I've seen it. But now it's gone. I do not remember to take a shower or wash my face. And clean unsure. really a wonderful girl. If you can relate, then I bet you some strange reason want to know your makeup does not take all day. Read on for some of the reasons why Stealth disappears, and consider the enigma solved.

1. sit on their hands

If I scroll through the interwebs, I tend chin on hand to rest. And you know it? My makeup merges ever in this area. If you have the same habit, or others like them, then you can explain why your skin bare reached 11:00 as beauty editor Bridget told Cosmopolitan UK in March "to spend the earth primers, high performance aerosols means of Make- up, but usually gather their crops [] and rub his eyes could not interfere. "be aware and keep your hands to help with security.

2. Preparing to fast

It is a logical progression - face wash, moisturize and apply makeup. But you go too fast in makeup result in the slides immediately. "If it be based on the right side after moisturizer - stop," said Susan Posnick, makeup artist and founder of Susan Posnick Cosmetics, in an email to Hustle "It is better, five to ten minutes wait to leave. the moisturizer is absorbed through the skin. "which will ensure more makeup glue.

3. Application of lipstick on her lips Balm

In the same way that you do not want to simply supplies the skin with moisture to support, you do not want to put lipstick on the right upper lip balm. "To create the oils of lemon balm is rolling for the lipstick, which means that your shadow is probably dirty and prosper," the writer Jessica Cruel Beauty AUTO said. Try blot with a tissue first or all to skip the balm.

Make up Michael Buckner / Getty

4. His technique is all wrong

When it comes to establishing how to implement that can make the difference. "Some foundations are best applied with your fingers ... while with others, it will be better to use a sponge or a mixture of foundation brush," said Erin Laine expert beauty Makeup.com. "You can ask Beauty Counter advice or your own research to do on the application method is best for your foundation."

5. Time wreaks havoc

Of course you can discontinuous subway to his office. But the rapid weathering can be produced in its composition. "Winter winds, sleet and snow can cause the collapse of makeup," Amy Ahlberg RD.com said. If this happens too often, an umbrella, could to be.

6. sweat secret

Needless to say, twice as going to the gym your makeup will melt. But even the fastest of sweating it can mess up too. I speak of a welding travel stairs to induce, or a sprint to the heated cafeteria. If you do these "exercises" seemingly mundane the whole day, it could explain why its redness is still missing.

winter_scarf Sean Gallup / Getty

7. Your sign is to blame

Be careful how you remove substantially coats, sweatshirts or scarves. A pull over the head, or smear it on your face, where is? If so, you could be rubbing makeup to Ahlberg.

8. It's time to exfoliate

"Foundation never look flawless in the uneven skin dry," Laine said. The same face a favor and give it a scrub him. If makeup soft can go a resurgence of what a better chance of a good is looking all day.

9. Your skin is too oily

Oily skin has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, there will always be the face moisturized. (Yes!) But on the other hand, excess oil means that your makeup will wear faster. "There are some things you can do to prevent it," Posnick said. "Scrub before your skin. Use something to ignore a moisturizer water-based or completely. [Y] use a mattifying product as the foundation, [because] function as a primer." Done and done.

10. Cara is a little fuzzy

A fuzzy peach face can hinder the implementation of the perfect makeup. If you think your business, it may be useful to consider giving the entire face tend to shave a try. Removing makeup can help keep stray hairs soft, after the writer Kirbie Johnson PopSugar.com beauty. This is due to the lack of hair and excellent exfoliation factor.

11 old makeup

If your makeup bag has seen better days, it may be useful to check the expiration dates of all dusty loose products. Like beauty, the writer said Shannon Farrell of women's day: "... the old makeup only less efficient does not work - who can do great damage to the skin." Use this to upgrade as your excuse their essential elements.

After all, if you take the time to paint your face, you have to do everything possible to make their efforts last all day.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: 11 reasons why your makeup does not last all day and mdash; And how to fix it
11 reasons why your makeup does not last all day and mdash; And how to fix it
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