The only ingredient your hair moisturizing Must Have

To truly find the best moisturizer for you, we need to understand what is really a moisturizer. Moisturizers can be oil-based or water-bas...

thinkstock photos-87648227 To truly find the best moisturizer for you, we need to understand what is really a moisturizer.

Moisturizers can be oil-based or water-based. In moisturizing oil-based and water are mixed with "emulsifiers"; Emulsifiers prevent separation of water and oil. Good moisturizer to nourish water to hydrate and the hair thoroughly into the hair shaft. the water-based products are required. All anhydrous or without water as a product-based oil is not 100% effective moisturizer. In fact, oils and waxes NO hydrate. Oils replenishes lost lipids in the hair, feed, and can generate a barrier to seal in moisture, but not wet.

Use of a product based on oil in the hair moisture hope will not work and will probably lead to dry hair, especially if there is no moisture in the hair shaft. That said a great moisturizer contains humectants water Hair tap and hold keeps him there.

Humectants attract the surrounding water by absorption in the hair and adsorption on the hair, under defined conditions, including temperature and humidity. With regard to the skin, the essential elements for the moisture of the skin are moisturizing, emollient and occlusive.

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Glycerin is probably one of the most famous and popular moisturizer because it is very effective and relatively inexpensive. It can absorb its own weight in water for 3 days. many natural products to avoid products with glycerin because it may, let your hair dry or curly look to feel. As a result, many companies are natural hair care products, the "free glycerol" preparation are.

other humectants
While glycerin, the humectant is more other well-known. This is where I belong with some companies, the marketing of products as "free glycerol", because apart from glycerin agree, but add many other humectants given.:

- Agave Nectar
- honey
- Sodium PCA
- sodium lactate
Propylene Glycol
- urea
- Honeyquat
- sorbitol
- panthenol

To name just a few. Some moisturizers have more moisture binding capacity than others, and each is unique humectant so that other properties of a formulation.

Curling in high humidity can occur because the moisture is drawn from the environment, resulting hair ...

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: The only ingredient your hair moisturizing Must Have
The only ingredient your hair moisturizing Must Have
Water Based Moisturizer
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