Maria Del Russos 5 Best Oil Free Moisturizers for Acne - Drifting

Although not all types of oily skin are prone to acne, many acne breakouts have something to do at least with excessive oil production. If ...

Although not all types of oily skin are prone to acne, many acne breakouts have something to do at least with excessive oil production. If dead skin cells are trapped in the pores with oil and bacteria, this can lead to epidemics. Therefore, if you are prone to acne, it is important to look at the list of ingredients in your favorite skincare products. Finding beauty products without oil is paramount to keeping your complexion clear, especially when talking about moisturizers. Fortunately, the best oil-free moisturizers for acne are easy to find.

Humectants, unfortunately, tend to be the main causes of oil concealment in their formulas. It makes sense - if you are not prone to acne, the oil can often be an incredible moisturizer. But some oils can be the kiss of death for refugees; It is therefore important to consult the list of product components. Although they may not be the first ingredients on the list, they may be hiding in unexpected formulas.

Instead, people who are prone to acne are looking for light, non-comedogenic moisturizers. Hyaluronic acid is a particularly moisturizing ingredient that does not block the pores. A moisturizer that matts the skin can also be helpful as it controls oil production and absorbs excess shine.

Later, find five of the best oil-free moisturizers for acne prone skin you can buy.

1. The best moisturizing gel without oil

If your face is greasy and prone to acne, a light water-based moisturizer is the best option for you. Enter: Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel . This oil-free moisturizer moisturizes without feeling heavy and leaves no marks as soon as it is absorbed by the skin. The main ingredient is hyaluronic acid, an incredibly strong moisturizer known for its ability to hold 1000 times its weight in water. In addition, it extracts moisture from the air and presses it against the skin, keeping it smooth and hydrated for longer. Hydro Boost Moisturizing Gel also has the advantage of being non-comedogenic, colorless and perfume-free, making it an excellent choice for almost any skin type.

2. The best oil-free moisturizer for severe acne

Medical moisturizers, such as Acne Advantage Moisturizers for Clean & Clear , are an excellent choice for those who are treating severe acne. This formula contains salicylic acid, a reference ingredient to fight acne. It cleanses the pores of grain waste such as oil and dead skin and prevents future breakouts and treats existing spots. This oil-free and non-greasy moisturizer is a solid option for those who care for their skin moisturized and want to maintain.

3. The best oil-free moisturizer for sensitive, acne prone skin

Sensitive skin, which also tends to be acne, can be difficult to treat because of the difference that exists between the two. With a moisturizer like Avene's Cleanance Mat , you can treat your blemishes and sensitive skin at the same time. It is a light moisturizer that really absorbs oil and gives the skin a velvety, soft look. It's also a wonderful base for a long-lasting make-up.

When it comes to sensitive skin, Avene is one of the most reliable brands because everything they create is formulated to be soft. Each product is mixed with the thermal water of the brand, which calms naturally irritated skin.

4. The best mattifying moisturizer without oil

If you want a matting formula that soothes your skin and instantly removes oil, look for La Roche-Posay Effaclar carpet . It reduces the brightness and spreads the pores, which makes them smaller. It also contains salicylic acid at the bottom of the list of ingredients to clog pores and prevent germs, as well as glycerin to moisturize the skin. A critic with "extremely greasy skin prone to acne" says, "This is by far the best moisturizer I've used."

5. The best oil-free moisturizer with sun protection factor

There is a misconception that sun exposure is good for acne prone skin as the sun dries out the pimples. However, the fact is that this drying can cause your skin to produce even more sebum, which leads to further outbreaks. For this reason, a moisturizer with sunscreen like Paula's Choice is an indispensable remedy for acne-prone skin. It contains a sun protection factor of more than 30, so that your skin is protected. The formula is also oil-free, non-comedogenic and moisturizing. It is rich in moisturizing and antioxidant ingredients that help to soften the skin and reduce dehydration and exfoliation. He has no perfume to give.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Maria Del Russos 5 Best Oil Free Moisturizers for Acne - Drifting
Maria Del Russos 5 Best Oil Free Moisturizers for Acne - Drifting
Water Based Moisturizer
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