The radio acne - Odisha Sun Times

Pic Courtesy: The Beautiful Blog New Delhi: No matter how you want to go, you should go with home remedies over the top avoid disappears...

Pic Courtesy: The Beautiful Blog

New Delhi: No matter how you want to go, you should go with home remedies over the top avoid disappears for acne, and not to touch the affected area, according to experts.

Shikhee Agrawal, Head of Education, The Body Shop and Kiran Lohia, a dermatology dermatologist Lumiere share some tips on how to fight acne.

* Many times acne is caused by internal imbalances, especially with their hormones. Blood tests and ultrasound can help to eliminate what causes acne from the inside. The problems in the intestines can also lead acne through a path "refers to skin gut axis. "

To stop this, eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, pre- and probiotics. In addition, avoid dairy products and foods with a high glycemic index because they worsen hormonal imbalances or create.

* Do not be too harsh on the skin. Many people think that acne only an overproduction of oil and can be dry with strong soap peeling. The truth is that to dry skin can aggravate acne.

Acne is an inflammatory process, which causes a lot of redness and swelling; The hardest wash most likely damage the skin leading brands and a deterioration of irritation. Also, do not fret buttons, this will lead to brands.

* Stay away from home remedies. Acne takes a long time to process, 3-6 months to be exact. It can also worsen before improving because acne is brought as part of the healing process under the skin to the surface.

People are impatient and try home remedies such as lemon, toothpaste, or garlic grains. These things can actually burn the skin! hot and cold packs are fine. Otherwise, you should look at a spot treatment containing sulfur, of course.

* Opt-in for easy cleaning. It is important to exfoliate the skin, but no more than 2-3 times per day. When the skin enough moisture has not produce its own oil and therefore no outbreaks.

* Moisturize frequently. Your skin should regularly supplies the outer layer of the skin hydrated and soft and flexible touch remains to keep be moisturized. If it rains, do not try water-based moisturizer if it is wet, it is not completely washed out.

* To bacteria at bay, wash your hands to hold while an application on the face is made. touching the face, spread mainly bacteria from the infected area can cause more acne.

* Tea tree oil is an essential oil product for the astringent properties that fight much this strange season. It is both antibacterial and antifungal and is perfect for oily skin.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: The radio acne - Odisha Sun Times
The radio acne - Odisha Sun Times
Water Based Moisturizer
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