How to keep your facial sweating, experts say - Agitation

No matter what your plans this summer, if you are a make-up users, then it is safe to say you want to look polished, not sweat. Do not be a...

No matter what your plans this summer, if you are a make-up users, then it is safe to say you want to look polished, not sweat. Do not be afraid, goddesses glittering: There are ways to make your distribution sweat to keep , so you can get through the summer be sure that their products remain.

It is true that the sweating is not the biggest problem - but it does stop our Sun - has soaked car photos beautiful setting, the wax colored styling of the camera sabotaged. On the other hand, if you stay at home this summer, you might be in for a variety of sweaty makeup mishaps, including but not limited to: an interview with the uneven foundation Suppose his eyebrows melt each morning their journey, or meet without knowing your appointment with panda eyes. Summer - make - up and do not mix, especially if you are someone of a full face of make - carries up every day.

So here's some expert advice from various experts in the industry, the MUA dermatologist to help you learn how to stop the distribution of welding when the weather gets balmier.

1. Preparation of the skin

Kypris - 100% natural / vegan Tau Antioxidant Serum for the face , $ 72, Amazon

"I like to prepare the skin with a moisturizing but not greasy," writes artist Suzy Gerstein Honey artist in an e - mail to Bustle. "It does make - up go smoother and less need, but does not an oil stain on his face Two of my favorites are anti - oxidants Tau Kypris and quench oil - Kate Somerville . "

Oil Quench - Kate Somerville , $ 75, Sephora

"First, it is necessary to use a pore minimization or moisturizing gel to slow to help the production of oil," says Adriana Martino cofounder of Skinney Medspa . "Second," continues - it "Seal it with a good hyaluronic acid. I love Medspa in the molecule of water from a bottle into a bottle . "

Artist Azra Rojo honey artists have more tips for all her make - up in place to keep. "The natural oils balancing the skin without drying the skin keep a bottle of rose water in the refrigerator and spray to cool the preparation, balance and tone of your skin, which I love .. toner Acure pink and red tea - it's simple, a make - up - Kit to travel and has because it is not in a spray spray bottle of glass, but the super lightweight tube ".

Toner Acure , $ 10, Amazon

2. Humidity control with an oil

Bioderma Sébium Mat control , $ 20, Amazon

a moisturizer that oil "To keep your skin glow and stays up," Red "Try to control and softens the skin all day said. Bioderma has incredible control over the moisturizer Sébium Mat holds for 8 hours skin under control. "

3. Do not forget the bait

Primer - Drinking 11 shadow on eyelid ml / 0.37 fl oz , $ 20, Sephora

"Once the skin ready to make a good skin manually," Martino said: "I love Laura Mercier as customized options for different types of skin Do not forget your SPF like. Cell drinking SPF circ daily 43 . "

circ daily fluid of cells , $ 50, skin Store

"A primer is an eye shadow its color to maintain throughout the day by the heat," Gerstein said, "especially if you have oily eyelids. His Urban Decay Eyeshadow - Primer - drink not move on a cover last session on the beach and shadow of my models all day. I like also plays the shade of the benefits primer, NARS and. "

Dr. Sharyn Laughlin, a dermatologist and medical director of sunscreen the company and Laserderm recommends people use sunscreens based minerals such as primers.

acts "Implementation of sunscreen high concentration of mineral (in the form of zinc oxide of 15 to 25 percent) as a primer effective for the skin. Since these sunscreens are designed to sit on the skin's surface, in fact, they help the candidate as well as the surface composition. "

4. clear makeup oil-based Steer

For the best results, experts of beauty Jeanette Zinno explains excitement. "Avoid make-up oil-based and simple, even a pharmacy like CVS has many great choices! "

5. Look for formulas and sweating

"High quality mineral makeup - including things such as talc as a binder - is actually the test weld a small amount into a glass to the difference between the face mineral can always say make-up high quality low quality by dripping water .. Mineral Make -up mineral component floats on the surface of the water so that the high quality versions will not sink sediment, "says Dr. Laughlin.

"Water really helps to activate minerals and help adhere to the skin," the "as mineral transformations include drinking sprays designed to apply you to the skin. It may even these aerosols again to help moisture throughout the day spraying, mineral revive makeup and fresh finish. These formulas are not only sweat but also resists water sports such as swimming. at the same time they are closing and are good for the skin. "

6. Use Tinted Moisturizer

Caramel Latte Tinted Eminencia Cream SPF 25 , $ 34, Amazon

"Less is more" Red said "Instead of using full -. Ground cover, choose a tinted moisturizer that light and contains a high sun protection I love. Eminence Tinted Moisturizer SPF 25 . "

7. Use waterproof makeup

"Waterproof makeup is an easy way to beat the heat of summer and to be a wet solution. I use waterproof mascara and eyeliner, "Zinno said.

8. Look for stains

Jane Iredale kissed her lips and the patches of the pieces , $ 25, Nordstrom

! .. "treat I like to use lip and cheek stain for pure color projection to brighten the day for a touch of color, stains wonders on wet weather, my favorites are Jane Iredale kissed the lips and the cheeks spots " red said.

9. blot blot and blot Some More

Paper Shiseido Pureness Oil Control Blotting Conde 100 , $ 15, Amazon

"After the establishment of application", so Gerstein, "the separation of a fabric of two layers and dry the face with it, then lightly powder. This step removes excess oil, make sure not to sit on, and her make-up movement throughout the day. the use of a single layer of tissue is important because it leaves behind the perfect amount of pigment. "

Blotter at any time of the day useful and you can search in no time helping companion. Zinno explains: "Kleenex blotters are ideal if you are in a hurry and need a quick fix. "

10. The products of the layer

"Her blush tends towards the end of the day to slip? Try saying between the layers of eye cream cheeks and translucent powder for a "sandwich Gerstein.

"Start with one eye liquid or cream cheeks (lately I'm really in the brightest cloud color.) Cover with a thin layer of loose powder or compact translucent blush and then apply the powder. Mix textures provides greater wear and also creates a great depth to the color. You remember that layering use intensification shadow, choose colors that are a little more moderate than normally used or simply applied with a lighter side, "Gerstein said.

11. Define Makeup

Dermalogica UltraCalming Mist care of the face of the skin 6 ounces , $ 28, Amazon

"I love UltraCalming Dermalogica fogged the face make - up in the hot weather to help," Zinno said: "It is" great to cool off and keep make - up in its place. "

Probably the only slip-up and exhaust wants to put a tarp these tips to good use include experience in this summer to keep the make - up of the welding .

Pictures: Tamara Bellis (1), Aral Tasher (1), Sam Burriss (1), Quentin Keller (1), Gustavo Spindula (1) / Unsplash; Courtesy of labels (7)



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: How to keep your facial sweating, experts say - Agitation
How to keep your facial sweating, experts say - Agitation
Water Based Moisturizer
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