Get the latest bridal makeup guide - Business Standard

Every bride has a unique personality, which inspired his style and look at what this wedding season, telluric from the glamor-Mogul meeting...

Every bride has a unique personality, which inspired his style and look at what this wedding season, telluric from the glamor-Mogul meeting inspired by some of the classic timeless look.

Lakme makeup expert Donald Simrock and Sandhya Shekhar beste looks that are suitable for brides of all kinds.

* Look 1: Timeless Bride

This classic look is inspired by the Nawab style. With colors like orange rust, bronze and gold dust around the eye, a strong red cherry lips and gives him a full view very place elegant finish.

* Get the look

* Prepare well: For starters, moisture and nourishment to the skin

* The correct base address: Although your skin with a wet basis. Highlight a bronzer cheekbones with and add depth to the look of tan lines.

* Shimmer good: adding touches of gold a pen or a brick shine with

* Lip Pop: For the lips, a matte finish, how to choose the color of coral or wine

* Look 2: Classic Bride

* This is the perfect mixture of down and glamor to play with copper tones, while feeling very fresh and natural rest

* Get the look

* Prepare well: For starters, moisture and nutrition of the skin with a cream oil

* As Base: Despite your skin and use a marker to outline the cheekbones to give a nice shine

* The dreamy eyes: For the eyelid, a mix of shades of pink, orange and brown use them a sense of the dream to give

According to * Pout: For lips, use a plum tone to explode

* Look 3: Modern Bride

* This is a new interpretation of the colorful artwork coating, focused on a statement eye has a purple bold metal

* Get the look

* Prepare well: For starters, moisture and nutrition of the skin with a cream oil

* Top of the base: Even your skin a moist base and a touch of good pen

* The eyes say it all: Use eineine colorful eyeshadow with a metallic silver color or create new eyes. Use a purple tone to give them an edgy style.

* Elegant lips: Use for lips, a light pink tone as "Silky Rouge.

Sangeeta also Velaskar, vice president and director, medical and R & D, Kaya They help decipher the skin care and glowing and ready for your big day.

use a mild scrub twice a week, at least: * Tips for oily skin. Use a light lotion waterborne day and night. Moisturizing masks, such as algae and aloe vera are necessary to incorporate into your routine at least twice a week

* Tips for dry skin: dry and scaly its problems also. Use a cream cleanser. Use a cream fabric-based face with AHA. Use a moisturizer or sleep thick mask before bedtime.

* Tips for combination skin: The biggest challenge is the combination of the skin, as it has to fight oily and dry, both of them. Pamper your skin with a mud mask once a week. Let yourself every day in a massage cream. Use natural exfoliants, such as a short orange peel.


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IS Thursday, September 21, 2017 13:16: First Post



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Water Based Moisturizer: Get the latest bridal makeup guide - Business Standard
Get the latest bridal makeup guide - Business Standard
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