6 Skin and hair benefits from Murumuru Butter - Healthline

If you buy something through a link on this page, we can earn a small commission. How it works Hair and body butter has been used for dec...

If you buy something through a link on this page, we can earn a small commission. How it works

Hair and body butter has been used for decades to moisturize hair and skin.

Cocoa and shea butter are currently the most sold, but the new product called Murumuru Butter could soon take the lead.

Murumuru butter is made by the rich yellow-white fat from the seeds of Astrocaryum murumuru, a native to the Amazon rainforest palm is extracted ( 1 2 )

This natural butter is not only often used to smooth skin and hair, but also (with other fats and oils from the Amazon) as a culinary alternative to coconut oil and cocoa butter ( 1 2 )

Here are 6 skin and hair benefits from Murumuru butter

Murumuru butter is an excellent softening agent known for its moisturizing properties.

Healthy skin has a lipid-rich skin barrier that traps moisture, while dry skin usually has a low oil content. Therefore, high-fat creams and lotions can improve your skin's hydration by sealing the water ( 3rd , 4 4 , 5 5 )

Butter Murumuru has a profile similar to that of cocoa butter and is rich in medium and long chain fatty acids, such as lauric acid and myristic acid, which can act as a barrier to restore skin moisture ( 1 , 6 6 , 7 7 )

For best results, apply Murumuru butter immediately after bathing, when your skin absorbs water better ( 7 7 )

You can also find Murumuru Butter Lip Balm that will keep your lips hydrated.


Due to its high fat content, Murumuru butter helps to moisturize the skin by trapping moisture.

Murumuru butter has become a popular hair treatment due to its moisturizing properties.

Lack of moisture can lead to frizzy hair . The hair shaft contains an outer layer called cuticle. When the hair is dry, the cuticles are rough and swell, causing a frizzy appearance ( 8th , 9 9 )

Murumuru butter is rich in lauric acid, a fatty acid that penetrates the hair shaft. This allows for better moisture retention and better sealing of the cuticles, making the hair smoother and more hydrated ( 10th )

In addition, butter naturally protects against damage from the sun, heat and other harmful compounds ( 10th )

Simply apply Murumuru butter to your hair in the shower for 2-3 minutes or use it as a hair mask overnight.


Murumuru butter is rich in fats such as lauric acid that penetrate the hair shaft to keep it hydrated and reduce frizz.

If you find that coconut oil is too heavy for your skin, Murumuru butter can be a great alternative.

It is less comedogenic compared to other moisturizing oils like cocoa butter and coconut oil . This means that the pores are less likely to clog and cause acne breakouts or blackheads ( 11 , 12th )

It can also help soothe your skin and replenish your natural moisture barrier without causing flare-ups, a common skin problem prone to acne ( 12th )

However, if you have oily skin, Murumuru butter can be too heavy, especially on the face, as this area contains more fat-producing oil glands and is more prone to rashes than your hands, elbows, and feet. (( 13 )

Therefore, oil-based products such as Murumuru butter may be better suited to harder and drier areas ( 13 , 14 )

If you are unsure about your skin type, contact a dermatologist or doctor.


Murumuru butter clogs pores less than alternatives such as cocoa butter, preventing breakouts. However, if your skin is prone to acne, it can still be too heavy to wear on your face.

Applying Murumuru butter to your skin can contribute to a youthful look as it hydrates with healthy fats and nutrients.

If the skin remains hydrated, a healthy skin membrane is supported and the progression of fine lines and wrinkles is slowed down. In addition, it can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles by keeping your skin plump and full ( 15 )

This natural butter is also rich in vitamin A , a fat-soluble and antioxidant vitamin that is responsible for healthy skin, hair and eyes. Vitamin A is known for its anti-aging effects on the skin, such as B. increased cell renewal and protection against UV damage ( 2 , sixteen , 17th , 18 years old )

However, there is no clinical data on the anti-aging effects of Murumuru butter, so further research is needed.


Murumuru butter keeps your skin hydrated and nourished. It can help reduce the signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles.

Shine is a sign of healthy hair .

In order to achieve a healthy hair shine, it is important that your hair is hydrated and free of damage and breaks. The light does not reflect well on damaged hair, which gives a matt appearance ( 9 9 , 10th )

Due to its impressive moisturizing properties, the use of Murumuru butter or other high-fat conditioners can seal the moisture in the hair shaft and emphasize its natural shine ( 9 9 , 10th )


Use a high-fat conditioner like Murumuru butter that moisturizes your hair and maintains its natural shine to avoid dullness.

Eczema is skin disease that is characterized by dry, irritated skin. People with this condition are more likely to have fewer fatty acids and ceramides on their skin ( 19th , 20th , 21 )

Using Murumuru butter can improve the symptoms of eczema by hydrating the skin and restoring its natural moisture barrier ( 21 , 22 )

Although no clinical research has been done on Murumuru butter and eczema, coconut oil has been shown to improve the symptoms of eczema by hydrating the skin. Since Murumuru butter has a similar molecular composition, it can offer similar benefits ( 23 , 24th )


Dry skin conditions, including eczema, are associated with low oil levels on the skin. Applying a high-fat cream like Murumuru butter can help replenish the skin's moisture barrier and reduce dryness and irritation.

With 50 to 60% of men and 60 to 70% of women suffering from some degree of sensitive skin , many people seek relief ( 25th , 26 )

People with sensitive skin usually have fewer lipids in the skin membrane. This can lead to stiffness, pain and increased penetration of irritants such as perfumes and alcohols that are found in many skin care products ( 26 , 27 )

Using a smooth, high-fat cream with a minimum of ingredients like Murumuru butter can help restore the skin barrier without causing additional irritation. Be sure to read the ingredient label to make sure the product doesn't contain any additional ingredients that can irritate your skin ( 27 )


Many people report that they have sensitive skin, with symptoms that worsen when exposed to certain ingredients that are typically found in skin care products. Murumuru butter can be a good alternative.

Murumuru butter is often sold online and in stores as a hair conditioner, lip balm, and skin lotion.

Although you can buy pure butter, most products contain a combination of ingredients such as shea butter , rose water, alcohols and perfumes.

So if you have sensitive skin, read the label carefully and stick to the pure version.


You can find Murumuru butter in stores and online as conditioners, lip treatments and creams. It can be bought in or mixed with other ingredients.

Murumuru butter comes from the Amazon plant Astrocaryum murumuru. Although less well known than other types of palm butter, it draws attention to its role in healthy skin and hair.

It can improve hair and skin moisture and reduce frizz, and is gentle enough for people with sensitive skin. However, further research is needed to better support these promising claims.

If you want to try Murumuru butter, you can buy it online or in stores.

Buy Murumuru products online.



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Water Based Moisturizer: 6 Skin and hair benefits from Murumuru Butter - Healthline
6 Skin and hair benefits from Murumuru Butter - Healthline
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