Best foot creams for men - AskMen

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Your feet are brutally hit. They swell, crack, peel off and feel completely irritated when entering the cradle. Poor hygiene and poor maintenance only make them worse and cause serious health problems such as foot pain, infections and, above all, extreme dryness. This is when a foot cream becomes a must for your skin care routine.

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These unique healers moisturize and deeply nourish the skin to relieve the daily stress of exercising, standing and walking. Foot creams are thicker than body creams, but contain natural, if not identical, moisturizing ingredients that are essential for flawless skin care.

What causes cracked and dry feet?

Here many of the same factors that are responsible for dry skin apply to every part of the body.

  • Aging: The older we get, the thinner the skin becomes.
  • Shoes that do not fit well : no space for your feet, which means a suffocating environment for your feet.
  • Non-moisturizing soaps: Detergents with chemical additives make the skin flaky.
  • Skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and various others fall into this category.
  • Overexposure to the sun: UV rays can damage and dry the top layers of the case.
  • Too much hot water: taking a shower at higher temperatures can free your skin from its natural oils.
  • Unintended weight changes: lack of food corresponds to minor essential fatty acids that nourish the skin's nutrients needed to develop flexibility.

Rub a foot cream every night to give these feet a soft feel and look. Use the old-fashioned cotton sock technique before touching the pouch to prevent the cream from rubbing on the sheets and maintaining humidity. If you continue to experience complications (discomfort, excessive dryness, infection, etc.), you should see a podiatrist.

What ingredients to look for

These are the elements that penetrate deep into the skin and offer you healthy, mushroom-free hikers.

  • Aloe Vera: Contains soothing and healing agents to reduce inflammation.
  • Calcium: prevents heel spur from growing due to plantar fasciitis
  • Carrier oils: vegetable lubricants such as almonds, argan, castor, coconut, jojoba and vitamin E to moisturize the skin.
  • Essential oils: Herbal ingredients such as cedar, eucalyptus, sandalwood and tea tree that fight aging and improve skin texture.
  • Glycerin - moisturizer that stores moisture and permanently protects dry skin
  • Shea butter: Offers UV protection and contains essential fatty acids for the production of collagen.
  • Lanolin: oily substance of sheep's wool that nourishes and protects
  • Oil: sealing agents that protect the skin from the air and help maintain moisture. Forms an invisible film that protects the skin from further damage.

Consider all other skin care incentives as a bonus. For athletes, construction workers, farmers, photographers and almost everyone who stands more than 8 hours a day, give your feet the right care by massaging them with these elite foot creams.

The best foot creams for men

The best general foot treatment

Bag Balm Tin body treatment

Bag Balm Tin body treatment

This balm is made from skin superstars such as lanolin, paraffin wax and petroleum and has been a cult favorite for 120 years. Sure, it's perfect for cracked heels and rough feet, but it hydrates, heals, and soothes cracked lips, dry skin, tattoos, rubbing, blisters, sunburn, and sores in the saddle. The wind is burning, even for pets. Originally invented to help milk producers prevent their cows from parting with the harsh winter environment of Vermont. It's cruelty-free, gluten-free, non-alcoholic, vegetarian, and affordable. Most importantly, it does a great job of inflicting fantastic feet.

$ 7.99 at

The best luxury foot cream

L'Occitane Shea Butter foot cream

L'Occitane Shea Butter foot cream

Soothing, quick and powerful, the luxurious L'Occitane foot cream is a gentle operator with enough moisture to save broken feet. Fashion bloggers and lifestyle snobs rave about its smoothing effect, which is mainly due to a shea butter concentration of 15%, although we found some of the other ingredients alive as cream, such as arnica. , Coconut oil, glycerin and sunflowers. Seed oil is just as punchy and reduces inflammation and occasional bruising. The lavender scent is also incredibly therapeutic because rosemary extract acts as an antiseptic against infections.

$ 29 at

The best economical foot cream

Eucerin Intensive Restorative Foot Cream

Eucerin Intensive Restorative Foot Cream

The skin care clip behind our favorite body lotion for men sells an incredible foot cream that soothes your skin as well as your wallet. The exclusive formulation combines alpha-hydroxy acids with a natural skin moisturizer to exfoliate and revitalize thick, battered feet. A tablespoon seems to be enough to tame calluses on the heel. The results already appear after two days, which I can confirm based on my experience with my feet. There is a reason why dermatologists recommend it.

$ 5.49 at

The best foot cream for everyday use

Alpha hydroxy therapy amlactin foot cream

Alpha hydroxy therapy amlactin foot cream

This treatment for dry skin optimizes healing with a special mixture of softeners and bar moisturizers. The combination of Amlactin's triple-acting alpha-hydroxy therapy and the Ultraplex formula transforms an opaque skin surface into a ridiculously smooth tissue, thus promoting natural skin renewal. Pleasant peels also help to remove dead skin cells. Its indescribable taste and nutrients allow the product to double like a hand cream.

$ 11.29 at

The best organic foot cream

Badger foot balm

Badger foot balm

Badger ointment is undoubtedly the most organic in the group, with a rich blend of antifungal ingredients and essential oils that repair cracked skin in its natural state. The use of rosemary stimulates blood circulation to keep skin cells vital, while peppermint protects the athlete's foot from tame bacteria, inflammation and strong smells. The consistency is perfect with immediate absorption. The texture is also elegant, leaving little greasy worry on your hands. Taking a little on the small may seem difficult, but the reward is too rewarding to survive.

$ 10 at

The best herbal foot cream

Weleda foot balm

Weleda is revered for its natural and effective skin care products and its powerful deodorant foot cream is considered one of the best. It contains refreshing essential oils from mountain pepper, lavender, rosemary and myrrh. Add soothing marigolds and olive oil to smooth rough skin, and fine kaolin clay to smooth skin. This foot cream is free from synthetic preservatives, fragrances, dyes and raw materials from mineral oils and could easily become the ultimate product.

$ 13.75 at

The best foot cream for heavy calluses

Ahava mineral foot cream

Ahava mineral foot cream

Ahava's vegan, paraben-free cream works particularly well on thickened skin and penetrates deeply to repair the skin and restore its natural moisture balance. The key to its size is the brand's patented Osmoter complex, which combines natural plant extracts with Dead Sea minerals to stimulate new cell growth and help the skin retain water for silky results. . Despite its thick density, the cream is easily absorbed to decant the rougher skin layers. A neutral scent helps to remove persistent bad smells.

$ 23 at

The best foot cream for clinical treatment

O'Keeffe is for a healthy foot cream

O'Keeffe is for a healthy foot cream

This gluten-free and lanolin-free option has thousands of five-star reviews, and many podiatrists prefer it because of its effectiveness. It is a thick cream that has been developed for improved healing and moisture retention and forms a protective layer on the skin to guarantee results in a few days. Rich compounds, including allantoin and glycerin, help the formula accomplish this goal without flaking or peeling. The tin design makes it portable enough to keep in your jeans in case you feel uncomfortable outside or take a shower in the gym.

$ 7.29 at

The best foot cream for high humidity

CeraVe Renewing System SA renewal cream

CeraVe Renewing System SA renewal cream

CeraVe brings a variety of skin care innovations to your body lotion, highlighted by the MVE delivery technology that regenerates ceramides to extend hydration cycles. Chemical peels are used to remove dead skin and create a soft feeling on the bark that never compromises the skin's protective barrier. Dense in texture, it is extremely gentle on the feet and does not irritate even when wet. Apply this powerful ointment to your feet at dawn to help soothe blisters and dry skin quickly.

$ 19.97 at

The best natural foot cream for summer

Susanne Kaufmann refreshing foot cream

Susanne Kaufmann refreshing foot cream

Long runs or hot days may require a little more love for your tired feet. This refreshing natural foot cream from the typical natural wellness brand Susanne Kaufmann uses beeswax extracts as well as lavender and vitamin E oils for revitalization and deep and penetrating skin care. The light cream works perfectly in the summer months thanks to the refreshing and refreshing effects of menthol and lemon oil.

$ 64 at

The best cream for skin prone to eczema

Dove Dermaseries skin balm

Dove Dermaseries skin balm

This thick, oil-free and fragrance-free formula was specially developed for extremely dry and cracked skin and is even suitable for psoriasis and skin prone to eczema. The fast absorbing balm was developed to relieve and relieve the symptoms associated with very dry skin. It has been clinically proven to be non-irritant and hypoallergenic.

$ 15.82 at

The best foot cream for very cracked feet

Buckler's cracked skin remedy

Buckler's cracked skin remedy

As one of the first products of the brand, this rich, high-quality product was previously only available in 2.5 ounces. While this is a great size for travel, if you have dry feet everywhere, not just when you're on the go, the more the better. Buckler recently released his favorite cult skin remedy, which is almost twice the size at four ounces. This highly resistant vegan cream consists of shea butter, aloe vera and vitamin E and protects and repairs cracked and cracked skin.

$ 26 at

The best exfoliating foot cream

Glytone - ultra soft cream for heels and elbows

Glytone - ultra soft cream for heels and elbows

It is a treatment like no other on the list. This heel and elbow treatment uses the exfoliating power of glycolic acid, a heroic ingredient in anti-aging face creams, to remove thick, rough, and flaky skin and keep skin smoother. younger and smoother below. Additional alpha hydroxy acids exfoliate more, while vitamin E and glycerin keep the skin smooth throughout the process.

$ 54 at

The best targeted foot treatment

Cracked Gold Bond coating and skin protection

Cracked Gold Bond coating and skin protection

If your feet are particularly affected by cuts, scratches, burns, or only extremely cracked and cracked skin, wearing something to treat these specific injuries may not be a bad idea. For this reason, Gold Bond has created this intensely softening medical ointment that fills cuts and tears so that they can heal from the inside. By using a 30% oil formula supplied by a specially designed applicator tip, it helps the hardest areas when you need them most.

$ 6.98 at

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