6 artist Beyoncé advice on how to improve your appearance immediately

Sir John breeze that simple in those six rules that you can follow, Beauty We all know without a doubt that Beyoncé is a natural bea...

Sir John breeze that simple in those six rules that you can follow, Beauty

We all know without a doubt that Beyoncé is a natural beauty, but all the major superstars have ever so often a little help from the beauty of the makeup artist, to shine the rest. Come Sir John, makeup guru and L'Oreal Paris ambassador, Queen Bey helped her as a goddess to keep every time lights.

While all makeup artists and gurus who know they give priority to a full-on rhythm facial contour and highlight, but Sir John specialty is to make it look without new natural face (which makes air primarily a trend). And since the stroboscope beauty of the trend now we are crazy to Sir John, he is generous enough to get them advice on how brightness instead of Beyoncé!

Taking care of your skin
Every work of art needs a good material, so no wonder to meet the new face, without makeup is necessary priority to give your skin. "I can not stress enough, but keep the skin moisturized extremely important. It not only helps to look your skin only and feel better, but your makeup glides over. So, moisture, humidity, moisture," said Sir John, the "obsessed with the sound." Go Sir John L'Oreal products are pure glycolic lactic clay mask REN Radiance Renewal and Caudalie Beauty Elixir mask.

Less is more
Face it, we want to wake up all like Beyonce #flawless looking for when it comes to ensuring that there is hardly a glance, Sir John a very practical advice. "Start light and build the coverage that you need. In this way, these shortcomings can cover, but still shines through, creating perfectly natural." Using a moisturizer water based recommended and then use a tinted moisturizer with SPF following that is lightweight and breathable. Then hide if needed.

massage products
How these two items, he stressed skin massage products. "You really do not be afraid to go there," he said his skin be alive and awake.

Glow, not light
"My only advice for product application is to stay away from using something that creates gloss in the center of the front of the face center, has to be boring ever." In this way, if you shoot straight, you will not look greasy or shiny. Try Luminizing products when he said that it is a good way to add some "shimmer and shine" look glowy and dewy rather than adding brilliant.

Wash your face
Council of the First Director Sir John is giving priority to the skin, so it is not surprising that the night makeup suppress an important routine. "Whether absolutely tired or drunk, take your makeup before going to bed." He also recommends "a cleaning device with skin clean fruit enzyme peel once deceive a week."

Embellish the interior
You know what they say, if you are beautiful inside, halls outward through. Main rule of Sir John skin shiny juice, anti-inflammatory diet and exercising at least 20 minutes per day. "I am very holistic in terms of skin care, it really is inside starts," he said. "I'm a big fan of eating healthy to make sure that your skin gets the vitamins and nutrients it needs to look best his. I tell my clients to drink carrot juice always before a big event, because you will see the results of an overnight . "



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: 6 artist Beyoncé advice on how to improve your appearance immediately
6 artist Beyoncé advice on how to improve your appearance immediately
Water Based Moisturizer
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