Product Review: La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo + - TheHealthSite

What effective means expensive? Not always, but in some cases, yes. Previously I tried the foaming gel La Roche-Posay , and although this ...

What effective means expensive? Not always, but in some cases, yes. Previously I tried the foaming gel La Roche-Posay , and although this washing an expensive face, I'm crazy about her. I bought already move the second half and the command soon. Back in expensive care of skin - products, because the first thing you notice, the price of the product is specified amount. You can also follow these tips to choose the right products to care , the skin on the skin and tends to oily acne .

This was probably why I was very critical when I tried. If I pay a very high price, the product must meet in any event expectations. And I'm happy to say, it certainly is. I used it in combination with the foaming gel twice a day religiously in my care routine , the skin , and we did not have acne or pimples in the past month. The only time that I had some acne around my nose, was the day when I used extensive makeup, and I am sure that there is nothing to do with these two products from La Roche-Posay.

What I like La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo +

The packaging is elegant and refined. The opening of the tip of the needle style is outstanding and smoothly and in the correct amount of lotion. No spills, leaks or dirty cap and the neck of the tube, even if they are carried in her purse. So I think the best hygienic packaging I've seen for a lotion. I'm in love with consistency as well. It is a water-based lotion for oily and sensitive thermal water and anti-irritants. It is aromatic, which in turn is a good sign and parabens. As used thumb, up to the sum of the ingredients.


You must be very small amount of lotion and smooth tube will certainly take a month. I do not have a moisturizer with him, but if you know that your skin is feeling dry, you can use such. Wear sunscreen on it when I leave the house. The lotion keeps my face dry, but soft and flexible and is a good base for makeup to. I note that the powder or compact foam is best that held on that basis, in my regular drinking.

The only drawback is that it has SPF and therefore can not be used as a moisturizing sunscreen cum. The price is another factor, with 40 ml tube costs RS1300. If you are mighty impressed with the results, I'm sure you're convinced to buy it, even at this price.

Do not forget to check our summer care of skin consultation , as the season has already begun.

Source: Author

April 11, 2016 Published 04:58 | Updated: April 12, 2016 10:06



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Product Review: La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo + - TheHealthSite
Product Review: La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo + - TheHealthSite
Water Based Moisturizer
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