Who is this girl? - The News International

beauty You this week! Raja spoke to Zainab, who won a beauty contest recently ... For most of us the conventional beauty is a pretty fac...


You this week! Raja spoke to Zainab, who won a beauty contest recently ...

For most of us the conventional beauty is a pretty face, long hair and silky, and beautiful silhouette. But to be fair, is not just about the look. The beauty of a woman lies in her confidence, their passions, and the way he walks, talks and door. And for that he needs constant preparation. This is shown as step Veet Miss Pakistan. Previous seasons focused on finding a top model, but this time the competition to crown a girl who was not only physically fit but had good communication skills, actor and model. The brand itself is all about femininity, beauty and confidence, so it is not surprising that the show on the air was has four months of the birth of the same qualities.

Who is this girl?

Recently 20-year-old Zainab Islamabad Raja Miss Veet Pakistan was crowned in 2016 a total of 12 participants. The final was held at Mohatta Palace, Karachi, which has been beautifully decorated with performances of our favorite celebrities - mawra Hocane and Ali Zafar. You this week! talk to Zainab that to be in the models, which is probably the league today. Read more ...

You! How was your trip to Veet Miss Pakistan? Who is this girl?

Zainab Raja: The whole trip was amazing. It had become like a dream come true. I think I was in many respects. I'm on the fear of water and animals, and I am confident, patient and calm now.

You! Why - that participate in the Miss Veet Pakistan?

ZR: Since I was three years old, I wanted to act, and I see myself on TV. And when auditions were held in Islamabad, I thought it's my only chance was to get into the field of action. In fact, the Pakistani girl a career in acting / modeling intend to pursue to have no platform to showcase their talent. So I decided to put this platform my dreams.

You! His parents were supporting his decision?

ZR: First my father was not as sharp, but he was very happy and proud when I chose many girls and eventually won.

You! What do you prefer - the modeling or acting?

ZR: It is only the beginning of my career. Acting is my passion, but I love the modeling to. Modeling is a well-paid job and is a little easier. Acting requires a lot of hard work and you have to shoot for long hours.

You! His favorite and most difficult challenges?

ZR: I have hydrophobia so dive into the water from a cliff that was scary to me. In addition, we had a photo shoot with a python to do around the neck. I am not a man of the animals and have a snake around his neck, as it was quite difficult to set. The challenge raft and the final challenge in which we had to go to the fish market, was the most exciting.

You! Launched the brand recently an academy in life, what are your views?

ZR: I think these initiatives are a step in the direction of growth of the fashion industry. Now the girls have a platform that can be converted and receive care and appropriate training before entering the field.

You! What is your beauty routine?

ZR: As soon as I wake up in the morning, I have a glass of warm water. I have, so that the water-based moisturizer use oily skin at night and my skin clean every day and never sleep with makeup. keep moisturized skin is the key to a glowing skin. I will return my hair on a daily basis and use herbal hair oil once a week. The important thing is that I. Sunscreen before going out

You! What's an aesthetic that can not be without?

ZR: It must be lip balm and mascara.

You! What is your brand of make - up and favorite perfume?

ZR: Nothing better than Mac when it comes to make - coming brands - up. My current favorite scents are "Especially Escada" and "Gucci Flora".

You! Who is your favorite designer?

ZR: Haiya Bokhari

You! When you leave the house you prefer, make - to use up?

ZR: Not all the time. I like it simple and natural.

You! Your make - up bag?

ZR: lip balm, eye - liner, mascara, perfume and hairbrush.

You! Favorite salon / spa?

ZR: I love treatments Dermologica Nirvana Spa and Salon.

You! Any advice for those who enter this field?

ZR: As cliche as it sounds, but never give up their dreams. Make reach a plan, focus, hard work and their goals.

You! His plans for the future?

ZR: Set actor and finally going to the cinema. Modeling Regarding my dream to see me on posters Sana Safinaz and walk the ramp for Ali Xeeshan.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Who is this girl? - The News International
Who is this girl? - The News International
Water Based Moisturizer
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