When beauty is superficial - Daijiworld.com

New Delhi, March 6th (IANSlife): IANSlife contacted the manager of L'Oréal Paris India, Pau Gruart, to find out what the cosmetics gia...

New Delhi, March 6th (IANSlife): IANSlife contacted the manager of L'Oréal Paris India, Pau Gruart, to find out what the cosmetics giant has in store for the season and what is important for skin care needs.

Each community has specific skin care needs. Is Revitalift Crystal Micro Essence suitable for the needs of Indian skin and how?

Gruart: Most of the Indian subcontinent has a tropical climate with many consumers who have normal to oily skin. The skin care needs of today's consumers are lighter textures and fast absorbing formats with a bare to matte skin finish. L'Oréal Paris Revitalift Crystal Micro Essence is a new generation of skin care products, an ultra-light micro essence that combines important ingredients such as salicylic acid and active ingredients to illuminate the skin. These microdrops are perfect for the tropical climate in India and have a watery texture that is easily absorbed by the skin. They stay fresh and sticky all day, making them suitable for the Indian market.

Korean leather products are fashionable today; Do you think the new launch of L'Oréal can compete with them?

Gruart: L'Oréal Paris has been a pioneer worldwide in the skin care, hair and make-up category for years and offers the best innovations with specific solutions for all consumption problems. We are the world's leading facial care brand and believe that consumers are open to trying new versions of a trusted global brand like ours with great fairness in skin care. Revitalift Crystal Micro-Essence will be an interesting product for the Indian market as consumers are much more exposed to serums, essences, etc. This new micronized technology will fundamentally change the Indian skin care market.

By developing the micro sciences category and educating consumers about the importance and necessity of an essence, our goal is to be a dominant player in skin care. With the latest technology and innovative texture, Indian consumers will be open to this new gesture and our new launch.

Do you think there is still room for skin care products in a world where cosmetic procedures are routine?

Gruart: Facial serum is a light treatment that penetrates deeper than normal creams and delivers concentrated active ingredient concentrations in the skin. Regular use of a serum in your skin care can give your skin a more radiant, firmer and smoother texture, which makes the pores appear smaller and the humidity increases. Serums can also help reduce dark spots and the appearance of dull skin. Just for comparison: even water, cream or cosmetic serum can only penetrate 2 to 3 layers. When there are such pervasive products that are made with advanced technology, many consumers prefer highly efficient skin care products.

Although cosmetic procedures have received a lot of attention, skin care products are there for those who really believe in the brands that make them. We are committed to launching new categories of innovative products in India.

What lifestyle habits can be taken into account to care for your skin?

Gruart: I think the most effective but underestimated tip would be adequate water and fluid intake and enough sleep. This really helps maintain healthy skin and maintain the skin's moisture content.

It's also important to keep your face clean: remove excess dirt and oil that has accumulated during the day.

Another important tip would always be to remove the makeup before bed. Good micellar water like L'Oréal Paris' two-phase micellar water is an excellent product that can be used for easy cleaning.

Daily hydration of your skin is important, even if you have oily skin. A water-based moisturizer or a micro essence like Revitalift crystal microscopy is ideal for this purpose.

After all, sun protection is your best friend. We often skip this step without realizing what damage UV rays can cause to your skin. Always wear light sun protection before your departure: the new UV Perfect Matte & Fresh with sun protection factor 50 is an excellent oil-free sun protection with a matt finish, which is perfect for India's humid climate.

Many products these days have labels like "paraben free" / no animal / vegan tests etc. Is Revitalift Crystal Micro Essence suitable for one of these products?

Gruart: Since the 1980s, L'Oréal has believed that the future of safety assessment depends on the development of alternative and "predictive" strategies to end animal testing. This approach was developed through significant scientific advances in the areas of reconstructed human skin models, molecular modeling and high performance data processing.

Twenty-seven years have passed since our best scientific experts created the first reconstructed human epidermis: an international revolution! This meant that animal testing could be stopped after 1989, 14 years before it was required by law and without our skin care products being less safe.

What is a micro essence?

Gruart: A micro science is a light, liquefied treatment that uses micronized technology and is designed to penetrate the deepest layers so that it works from the inside of the skin. It is ideal for twice daily use, depending on routine and skin care needs. This is a groundbreaking change in skin care beauty. It is currently one of the most revolutionary skin care formats in Asia that we believe has the potential to become something big in India.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: When beauty is superficial - Daijiworld.com
When beauty is superficial - Daijiworld.com
Water Based Moisturizer
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