Honey: Ultimate All-Natural Skin Moisturizer - PR Newswire (press release)

Firestone, Colorado, November 2, 2011 / PRNewswire / -. Flawless, glowing skin like Lala Vazquez. Kissable lips soft, style Zoe Saldana. An...

Firestone, Colorado, November 2, 2011 / PRNewswire / -. Flawless, glowing skin like Lala Vazquez. Kissable lips soft, style Zoe Saldana. Any woman who wants and is not afraid to spend thousands of dollars on beauty and skin care for them. As temperatures drop, dry conditions can cold weather take a toll on the skin and lips of a woman. Special skincare Jackie Gomez, "the beauty architect" behind most great singers of today and the actor of Hollywood, he also said, as his A-list clients can look with natural beauty treatments Honey, hold that helps provides the skin with moisture, regardless of the season. Gomez with the National Honey Board (NHB), that consumers do not pay for expensive treatments to show has partnered skin and lips to keep good health sweet and soft throughout the year.

"The superstar, secret ingredient for beautiful skin and lips is honey," said Gomez, whose client list includes Beyonce Knowles and Solange Knowles. "Honey properties make it an ideal ingredient, do-it-yourself beauty. It is not only a great natural moisturizer, but a fraction of the cost will also look into the future and as a million dollars."

Gomez joined to create beauty that keep the skin moisturized the NHB honey base. Her recipes are a face mask, full body treatment and exfoliating lip for women and even men, I can look polished from head to toe. natural moisturizing properties of honey nourish the skin to reveal a natural shine.

"We all strive for the hydrated skin, especially during the winter months," Catherine said Barry, director of marketing for the National Honey Board. "Honey's best friend of your skin is because it is a humectant, meaning it attracts and retains moisture. In recipes for homemade honey to develop beauty, show the various ways in which honey treatment of skin care can be used, whether for lips, face, hands or feet and scalp. "

Honey is the moisturizer of nature and an effective moisturizer is important to give your skin a healthy glow. With so many treatments available today, beauty treatments with honey are effective and easy to manufacture cost.

For this winter season, Jackie Gomez shares her favorite recipes of honey that are both affordable and easy to do at home. Enjoy a natural radiant skin during the holidays with this luxury beauty recipes:

Moisture Dry Skin Honey - Face Mask

an inquiry


1 tablespoon honey

1 tablespoon avocado

1/2 tablespoon milk


In a small bowl, mix honey, milk and avocado until smooth. Apply on dry skin a clean brush base with and let sit for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water. apply twice a week for best results.

Body Care Honey

an inquiry


1/4 cup honey

2 tablespoons olive oil

4 tablespoons of oatmeal


In a large bowl, add the honey, olive oil and oatmeal and mix until smooth. Use this treatment in the whole body or certain dry areas for smoother skin. Rinse with warm water.

For more honey-based beauty recipes and how-to videos, please visit.

About the National Honey Board

The National Honey Board is a board of federal research and promotion under the supervision of the USDA conducts research, marketing and promotion, to get markets for honey and its products and expand. These programs are funded by an assessment of one cent per pound on domestic and imported honey.

SOURCE National Honey Board



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Honey: Ultimate All-Natural Skin Moisturizer - PR Newswire (press release)
Honey: Ultimate All-Natural Skin Moisturizer - PR Newswire (press release)
Water Based Moisturizer
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