This is the way to keep your skin happy in winter - New York Daily News

Baby, it's still cold outside. And your skin takes a beating. But it's not just the cold that causes dry; this is the experience e...

Baby, it's still cold outside. And your skin takes a beating.

But it's not just the cold that causes dry; this is the experience extreme temperature jump from the cold and windy heated indoor place outside, which seems to be hot and dry. "The end is very harsh on the skin," said Dr. Doris Day, a dermatologist in Manhattan, told the Daily News. "Drought (inside) is problematic because water makes his skin. "

Celebrity stylist Joanna Vargas agrees. "Obviously, going outside in the cold air, can be dried bright, but even worse for the skin is dry room air, superheated to sleep and work," he told the News.

Fortunately, you can protect your outermost layer, even if you are all layered on top. We have expert advice on how to keep your skin like a jet plush love smoothes this time of year hosting.

in the morning

Hydrated skin starts in the shower

This extra long hot showers, the oh-so luxurious that time of year? Sorry, but you do any favors. "They will actually remove the natural oils from the skin and make it tough skin moisturizer to dry," Day said. Take the temperature up a notch, and when finished, pat the body gently dry. Is it when the skin is wet, it is better to moisten the day so that you can record the product completely. Opt for a thick body cream that comes in a bottle, he added, because its basis that the oil is likely that you have more wet water-based lotion. And look for something that shea butter or lactic acid contains: Shea butter is rich and moisturizing, and lactic acid is a peeling, it will fall dead skin cells. Or skip the cream and opt for a body oil, Vargas recommended. Founder Joanna Vargas Salon and skin care collection, the oil omega-3 body "are excellent to soothe sensitive skin. "

Sun protection is necessary

Yes, even if it is winter. said, "always some protection is necessary" day because the harmful rays of the sun are active all year (even on cloudy days, rain and snow storms, too). Vargas agreed: "If you do not wear every day a hat and sunscreen, you have to start now," he said. Sun damage not only causes skin cancer but also causes wrinkles, sun spots and wrinkles. You may be able to get with a lower FPS - for example, 15 instead of 30 - but still want to look for a wide range of product, that is, protect against both UVA and UVB rays, says Day. Sunscreen may just be what you need moisturizer, but if you want more ...

apply more

If you want to put moisturizer on sunscreen, look for a product with hyaluronic acid, which helps to retain water the body, and therefore keeps suggesting day his beefy appearance. Vargas recommends combined for an additional protective layer, a serum and moisturizer.

MR and PR

Protect your skin before cold.

(Vê¬Ã¹vê¬? Vê¬? Vê¬? Vë¬Ã‡vê¬8 EV / Getty Images / iStockphoto)

Ladies, you do so by law,

Not begin with a puff basis: makeup artist Scott Barnes star - the famous / hot lips naked eyes J.Lo look created - recommends exfoliating and moisturizing before your makeup. Use a concealer cream with comprehensive reporting nothing winter redness and impurities, the oil then mixed based beauty cream for him at all times "is called a beautiful glowing skin. "Blush blouses and shirts with cream" to add a little life into the skin, "he added.

All day

eat well

Suitable food retain its shiny skin. Photo of healthy fats increase - found in foods such as avocado, olive oil, nuts and salmon - to keep your skin soft, recommend Vargas and day. The water is hyaluronic acid in your body keeps working his magic, so every day eat publish. But beware simple sugars and processed foods because they cause inflammation.

Whether the experience of the winter road

Bring days a travel size, so you can use all day again, especially after hand washing, when the skin is dry again is lotion with you. And before he cold, cover - do not wait until you are about to begin the fight. Put on your hat and gloves in order not to expose their skin to freezing temperatures.

The combat chapped lips

apply your best bet is to continue is a lip balm and make sure that you, says SPF Day. Vargas recommends exfoliating once penetrating help your balm week. And avoid, if possible salty foods - they just dry, suggested day.


Hit the hay in the correct way

MR and PR

Lip Balm SPF peeling and can help to fight against cracks.

(Leonid & Anna Dedukh / Getty Images / iStockphoto)

After they cleaned with warm water is recommended to keep your skin glowy Vargas serum and night cream. And fight adding a humidifier to your bedroom against dehydration during the night dry air. "Moisture is added to make enough to give a chance to the environment of your skin a real cure," he said.


Vargas has a family secret to fight against dry and sensitive skin. His son had eczema as a baby, and that has helped me a lot, they broke the news.

You will need:

1 cup camomile tea leaves

Rosemary 1 cup

Boil a large pot of water with two teas. Bake for 15 minutes. The strain and add to your bath water.

"You feel relaxed not only the day, this potion to soothe skin more than anything," he said.

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