Read more common elements - lemon, olive oil and more - Albany Times Union (blog)

No need to stock up on expensive household cleaners or pimple cream expensive treatments above the hairline. Just open the cabinet doors to...

No need to stock up on expensive household cleaners or pimple cream expensive treatments above the hairline. Just open the cabinet doors to for products to discover innovative and profitable applications every day.

Here are some clever ways to get back to using things you probably have on hand. Some of them have tried other coming courtesy Shopportunist reader.

together lime

Brush a bit of the fruits of lemon juice to prevent browning. (This works very well on pumpkins, too.)

A natural disinfectant, lemon juice can be used in cooking surfaces to kill germs.

Removing stains clothes and whiten whites. Share. A lemon and rub the fruits in one place Let rest a little and rinse with water. Pour 1/2 cup of white during the wash cycle to rinse the laundry.

Before scrubbing the microwave, lemon and hot water for two minutes to soften the crusted dirt.


Polishing over her white teeth. Rub to remove the silver tarnish and restore shine.

Dab to reduce a mass of toothpaste in a grain having the swelling and redness. It may seem strange, but I swear that it worked as a teenager for me.

A low-abrasive toothpaste can gently scrape scratches on DVDs and CDs. Gently run the dough disc can with warm water to dry and rinse. When you jump inside of a banana peel again to color the surface. This seems strange, but it can work.


The Greek physician Hippocrates used vinegar wounds and treatment of pleurisy, fever, ulcers and to treat constipation. It is likely that serious diseases with modern medicine to manage, but the next time you have an insect bite, wipe alleviate vinegar burning and itching.

I have to help recently the vinegar with salicylic acid, a foot wart to remove my daughter.

Although I have not tried it, I was told that a few drops of vinegar can relieve swimmer's ear, too.

A natural deodorizer and disinfectant, white vinegar can be used as all-purpose cleaners, shine for countertops, cut and remove grease stains. Dilute vinegar with equal parts of water and poured into a spray bottle for economical and ecological cleaning.

Run a cup of coffee in his boat to remove stains and disinfect components internal

Do you have a smelly garbage can? Make vinegar ice cubes in the freezer soil removal and work with warm water to remove the smell. Or start a cocktail vinegar and baking soda into the garbage to get once a week fresh.

Vinegar is also very good for removing stove grease residues and can be used to scrape the bumper rubber or dirt.

olive oil

Try to use as a hair conditioner and scalp, suggesting a drive. Rinse with water diluted with vinegar and lemon juice.

Olive oil can be used as a natural moisture Chemical-free skin. Eat every day dry skin with only a teaspoon.

It is a natural lubricant, so if you do not have a shaving gel in hand, rub a little olive oil before throwing a knife on the skin.

Dampen a cloth and run on wood furniture for a natural tooth enamel.


It is rich in content - we like to think - and also absorbs moisture. Rumpled and put them in her wet shoes and smelly night and wake up to the dry cooler shoes on.

It can also absorb odors. Put to remove lingering odors some plastic dishes or a number of refrigerated containers.

colorful, less expensive and easier to comic earth makes great gift paper. Use the Books section for wrapping the gift of a bibliophile or current dress in your favorite Amateur policy with the opinion page.

Vinegar spray without a trace in dirty windows and dry with newspaper to a shine.

Tomatoes still stained with orange? mature paper packaging around the fruit and leave them on the counter at room temperature.

dryer sheets

Run on a sheet, calm frizzy hair dryer for your hair.

Bees away from fabric softener sheets, so that the next time a picnic, some pop under the covers.

Push to remove dust a piece of furniture, windows, shutters and other surfaces.

Crud accumulated in their pans for cooking? Soak a piece of hair at night in dirty pan stuck meal to solve in the morning.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Read more common elements - lemon, olive oil and more - Albany Times Union (blog)
Read more common elements - lemon, olive oil and more - Albany Times Union (blog)
Water Based Moisturizer
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