to take care of simple tips for your skin during the monsoon months - Health Guide

Summer is probably feared the most of the year because of its ability, when the skin damage, but keep them not docile and mild monsoons. Mo...

Summer is probably feared the most of the year because of its ability, when the skin damage, but keep them not docile and mild monsoons. Monsoon months also damage our skin. A high level of moisture in the air make the skin of the face for acne prone. Exposure to pollution, dirt and grime in these months can flaky and blotchy cause irritated skin.


In changing weather conditions, you will need to change its skin care. You need to take care during the monsoon months of your skin. Plan your skin care Monsoon depending on your skin type. First, if you have dry or oily combination skin. The best time to understand it would be shortly after waking in the morning.

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If you have oily skin, this means that the oil glands are very active. In general, the skin is more fat in the summer months, but it can also dull and dirty appearance during the monsoon months when the humidity is very high. If your skin is oily, then you should be extremely careful about their skincare routine, or you can get a lot of spots and pimples.

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The main reason for pimples is the dirt and grime that mixed with the oil and promotes bacteria. Your task is to always keep the skin clean. Wash your face with a facial foam base removes both dirt and oil at least three times a day. Use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 30 and a water-based moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated. heavy waterproof makeup long rainy season. Drink plenty of water supplies to keep your internal organs with moisture.


Dry skin can be itchy and irritable during the rainy season. To prevent dryness and scaling of the skin additional that a cream based cleanser to use twice or thrice daily. Also, choose a good quality nourishing lotion for the skin. Toner without alcohol are good for dry skin. People with combination skin should rub the faces of a soft pad twice a week. Clean your face with soap-free cleansers that remove excess fat and moisturize dry skin.


Keep the regular care of the skin properly during the monsoon months. Choose your skin care to suit your skin type. Clean, tone and moisturize with a healthy diet, you can keep your skin glow even in the rainy season.

Dr Prem Jagyasi (c)

Dr. Prem is an award - winning strategic leaders celebrated author, editor and acclaimed high - speakers in the world . In addition to the publication of a set of guidelines for the improvement of life succeeds Dr. Prem a network of web - 50 slots - sites that millions of readers around the world attracts. Previously, Dr. Prem has traveled to over 40 countries, he turned numerous international conferences and has know - how made available for the education and counseling of more than 150 international organizations that provide services. It owns and operates one of the Web - Services and the technology companies, supervised and managed by the eminent team. Dr. Prem brings more fun trip - Photography .

Dr Prem Jagyasi (c)
Dr Prem Jagyasi (c)

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: to take care of simple tips for your skin during the monsoon months - Health Guide
to take care of simple tips for your skin during the monsoon months - Health Guide
Water Based Moisturizer
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