Vishu prepare in 10 minutes | Pix - onmanorama

In this day of Vishu Onmanorama shows you how to achieve the perfect traditional look with minimal makeup simple steps What - what you ne...

In this day of Vishu Onmanorama shows you how to achieve the perfect traditional look with minimal makeup simple steps

What - what you need: facial cleanser, moisturizer (SPF) primary basis, foundation, highlighter, concealer, pressed powder, bronzer / blush, eye - liner, eye shadow, eyeliner bar / eye - liner, mascara, lip crayon, lipstick, lip gloss, curls , eyebrow powder, make-up brushes.

Clean, tone, moisturize

"Clean your face with a good quality facial cleanser a prestige brand. Remember, exfoliate the skin if it's boring. Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and makes the skin glow.


"Apply a moisturizer a good SPF (sun protection factor) and massage contains until absorbed.


Please note:

Use a rich cream-based moisturizer: for dry skin

For normal skin: Choose a moisturizer - based moisturizer

For oily skin: Choose a water moisturizer - based

basic configuration


"The application of a foundation for their common good built-in base and longer primary. Apply a foundation that matches your skin tone. Mixing a small amount of light if desired on the base of a glowing effect.


"Apply concealer under the eyes, where dark spots or stains. Applying a triangular shape under the eyes and blend as well as the outer corners of the triangle. Remember, the corners of his eyes are that these areas are darker than the rest of his face.

"Contour: Choose a darker shade base your foundation and apply it to the T-zone of the face, well mixed a perfect pass to get face.


"Choose a compact or a mineral bulk powder for makeup is set.


"Choose a bronzer or blush that is not too dark for your skin color. Applying sunscreen and work in a cross on the forehead, nose and cheek with a brush or brush dotting hard angles. To your face thinner the bronzer apply only under the apples in her cheeks (find apples, smile and apply the bronzer in the hollow cheeks) to make.


For the eyes and beautiful lips

Make - up »Eyes: Eye make - take up longer, use a primer on the eyes if desired. Curl your lashes with an eyelash curler, 15 seconds per eye. Using an extension tab if desired. Apply the eye shadow on her eyelashes. Line upper eyelid with a waterproof eyeliner with water (liquid or gel base and having an Kajal Wasserbereich. Fill the eyebrows with the eyebrow powder when the eyebrows thick love. Apply mascara finish.

Eye makeup

"Lip Makeup: lipstick using lips moisturize. Define your lips with a lip liner if you feel necessary. Lipstick that matches your skin type. Use a lip gloss if you want a glossy surface.

Lip makeup


"Use a spray makeup a sign of prestige setting, if desired.

If you want to highlight the eye makeup, do not go too far with his lips. Keep naked.

If you show the lips, heavy eye makeup.

If the darker lip that is used matt tones.

If light shades for lips, once brilliant.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Vishu prepare in 10 minutes | Pix - onmanorama
Vishu prepare in 10 minutes | Pix - onmanorama
Water Based Moisturizer
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