Hack new beauty that is still necessary in 2016 - PHOTOS - Agitation

I like telling people how to improve their skin through a simple change in routine can mean the reduction or elimination of fine lines, wri...

I like telling people how to improve their skin through a simple change in routine can mean the reduction or elimination of fine lines, wrinkles, puffiness and dullness. As for makeup, most people do not know how and tiny, tiny, cheap stuff basis could improve your skin. If you are one of these people, get ready your makeup routine to change. Here the beauty trick, which is required to be performed in 2016 .

While there is reason to hide imperfections, and some you can improve your skin, you can mix the moisturizer or oil to dramatically improve your foundation and your long-term skin. Not to mention, mix your foundation with moisturizer, which, dewy to a natural end (that is so popular now!) Instead of the dreaded "pie face. " According to Wayne Goss , a professional make - up - artist and beauty vlogger, this trick will change the texture its inception A little goes a long way, so that only the addition of a small drop of serum or moisturizer on the base before. mixing and application works well. the serum contains the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing . Why not have your foundation?

There really is no right or wrong way is to mix products, which is what your skin needs at the time. Here are provided some tips to mix the products for a better complexion, more moisture.


Wayne Goss may mix any kind of oil - jojoba, almond, etc. - foundations for a clean finish. The oils like - these are cheap and easy to find, so there is absolutely no excuse for not trying.

  The miracle of the oil beauty for the blessed body and small - milk , $ 58,   e tsy


YouTube beauty vblogger Jaclyn Hill uses a single drop of serum mixed with your Foundation a Wet - to create look. For a naturally dry skin, combination skin or dry experience because of winter weather, it is a lifeline.

Silk delicious flexible skin serum , $ 30 the delicious skin


Mix moisturizer really works! If you have not worked for you in the past, look to mix this technique the base and a moisturizer: mixing what is the same. For example, if a water - based foundation is used, use water moisturizer - base .

Moisture Surge Extended clinic refreshing , $ 39, Amazon

Want to read more Beauty - Tips? Watch the video above - below and be sure to subscribe hype YouTube - page for more hacks and tips!


Photo: Murray Iceland / agitation; Courtesy of brands



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Hack new beauty that is still necessary in 2016 - PHOTOS - Agitation
Hack new beauty that is still necessary in 2016 - PHOTOS - Agitation
Water Based Moisturizer
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