How to tell if your skin is the sixth mysterious kind of skin: the skin and dehydrated products. -

We all know the kinds of fats, dry, sensitive, mixed and normal skin. But if you were told that there is a sixth type of skin that people r...

We all know the kinds of fats, dry, sensitive, mixed and normal skin. But if you were told that there is a sixth type of skin that people rarely talk about?

What is the name?
Known as dried skin, skin type is characterized by excessive accumulation of dry whitish spots in parts and scaling. Usually interspersed with combination skin, it can also be a separate category for themselves or appear along with the other five skin types.

In this state, the parts of the skin with a dry spots can be oily to parts of his face, not limited to these areas, especially around the mouth and nose, but. Therefore, if your skin is very oily in some areas, and in some cases extremely dry, with flakes, then you have dry skin.

sonam bad skin

Why did it happen?

As the name suggests, occurs dry skin due to lack of moisture. Unlike dry skin which occurs due to the lack of a barrier greasy skin due to dry skin is characterized by wrinkling of the skin and scaly is due to lack of water.
This is done under extreme climatic conditions, or if your body loses water. This usually happens to people because of diarrhea. Sometimes, however, the detachment also occurs because of seborrheic dermatitis, which completely different from the dehydrated skin.
Not only is the lack of moisture causes an imbalance in the skin which causes the skin too oily and dry. Remedies water consumption it appropriate.

But why is that a problem?

Dry skin is often difficult products to remedy for oily or combination skin dry. oily skin products are often too light and ineffective for dry skin, because even if it clears water-based skin, emollients are enough to bind to contain the fluff and soften the skin away. Products for dry skin is too thick and heavy oil, and are not well absorbed by the skin. Products for combination skin work, but not always.

How can it be cured?

A combination of good products and a strict routine hydration is of crucial importance for dry skin healing. In truth, these patches, however, must be aligned with another layer of products from the rest of your face if you have a skin like that.

idiva hydration

Get your game proper hydration.

not only the skin is dehydrated requires water. the right combination of electrolytes also required. Including some citrus fruits, cucumber water or coconut water in your routine is also crucial. This helps the balance of nutrients and soothes the skin, drink a lot more than just tap water.

External humidification.

Moisturizer on dry skin is a futile exercise because it can not absorb oils and water needs to do moisture. Therefore, make sure that you always spray with you, and sprinkle periodically generously to face if you want to follow with a moisturizer or cream.

Take the essence of his best friend.

What kind of people with dry skin is necessary, above all, it is a treatment of skin Korean anger called gasoline. A complete serum-based lotion, nasal, light, water, essentially provides many nutrients to the skin, but by the simple absorption by the water rather than deliver it through heavy creams and serums that break oily skin.

Kiehl Iris Benzin Activator extract treatment

kiehls iris essence

L'Oreal Paris Hydrafresh Deep Boosting Essence

loreal essence

Vichy Aqualia Thermal Spa oil essence of water

vichy essence

Moisture essence of green tea Innisfree

Innisfree green tea serum

an emergency reserve sheet mask.

Masks leaves are full of nourishing oils. This makes them a great source of moisture when the skin was a little dull and dehydrated, or if it is only once dehydrated. Therefore, extreme weather conditions, which are a great friend, especially if you really do not want to give serum.

Sephora Collection Pink Sheet Mask

sephora rose sheet mask

Store face face protection Moisturizing solution

face shop solution hydrating mask

Innisfree mask clinical skin - hyaluronic acid

hydration mask

Try water-based emollients

thick creams also fix some chipping, so that oily skin, shiny and smooth by offering the necessary moisture washing well.

L'Occitane Angelica Body Milk

loccitane cream

Yves Rocher Rich Cream Moisturizer 24H

yves rocher cream

L'Oreal Paris Hydrafresh all day Supreme Moisturizing Emulsion

loreal hydrafresh

Image Source: Thinkstock and Getty Images, Nykaa, Amazon



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: How to tell if your skin is the sixth mysterious kind of skin: the skin and dehydrated products. -
How to tell if your skin is the sixth mysterious kind of skin: the skin and dehydrated products. -
Water Based Moisturizer
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