Health Book: Pain Awareness Month, insomnia and question and answer newborn bath - Herald-Whig

Published: September 12, 2017 09:55 QUINCY - September is recognized as the pain of the month of national consciousness. A theme this yea...

Published: September 12, 2017 09:55

QUINCY - September is recognized as the pain of the month of national consciousness.

A theme this year focuses on the treatment of pain may require more than the physical symptoms of the patient faces watching.

Dr. Howard Dedes Quincy Medical Group physician in anesthesia trained Pain Medicine, agrees with this philosophy.

"Most people we see low back pain occur (that is), followed by neck pain and joint pain generally most common in the hip, knee or shoulder," Dedes said he director of interventional spine GHM department and the common good and certified in pain medicine is.

Dedes said the pain may be associated with a variety of injuries and illnesses.

Some conditions can also cause pain and symptoms from an injury or other illness, but there are other cases in which the place of the cause can be difficult. Dedes said.

Learn can mean the root of the pain, an MRI on Dedes thinks he can find.

"MRI is a very sensitive image and show me a picture of it all," M. Dedes said. "But that does not mean that everything I see is the cause of your pain.

"Based on the story of a patient who probably could get about 75 percent of the time when the pain comes or what happens, then the rest of Review. "

More information by calling 217-222-6550 or ext available. 3074th

The open entry

Main entrance of the hospital's blessing in the streets 11 and is open in the spring after the completion of a renovation project for a month.

The project included the circle of concrete pavement and the adjacent sidewalks to replace, remove and reinsert additional tile that runs on the first floor of the main hall.

Moreover, the vacant parking in its original location to the input 11 and the spring is moved.

The Office of the employees, the main hall during construction is left 106 east entrance Blessing Central remain at its new location, Suite health.

presentation specialist

Sleep specialist Dr. Medicine Nanjappa Somanna held a session of questions to the support group Quincy Regional Sleep Disorders 06: 30-8 pm Tuesday, Sept. 19 in the room of a free service on the low ground Blessing Cancer Center.

Somanna is the medical director of the Sleep Center Blessing, in addition to lung disease and critical care specialists.

to connect for more information or the mailing list, call 217-277-5397 voicemail support group.

newborn baby bath

Beato hospital early blessing furnished better national practice demands not to bathe newborns during the first eight to 48 hours of his life.

In the past, the newborn was given a bath immediately after birth. Delay in the bathroom will enable the child called your skin with a substance to keep them were born vernix.

Vernix consists of cells in the skin of the baby is early in development, and contains proteins to prevent common bacterial infections.

In addition, to reduce the risk of infection immediately after birth so that vernix helps the skin of the baby for a while after birth and delay the first bath:

not to remove º mothers and children by the child from the mother immediately after birth for a bath. Improving the connection

Eighth improved lactation because of the improved binding.

can feel a baby after his first bath º stabilize sugar in the blood by removing stress.

º improved body temperature of control baby through the bath to delay.

º the need for baby lotion reduced because vernix is ​​a natural moisturizer and skin protection.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Health Book: Pain Awareness Month, insomnia and question and answer newborn bath - Herald-Whig
Health Book: Pain Awareness Month, insomnia and question and answer newborn bath - Herald-Whig
Water Based Moisturizer
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