Dermatologist recommended 10 products for every type of skin care concern - Readers Digest

Spot Treatment for Acne sephora.comIf by home remedies do not work for Dennis Gross, MD, dermatologist and founder of New York-based De...

Spot Treatment for Acne sephora.comIf by home remedies do not work for Dennis Gross, MD, dermatologist and founder of New York-based Dennis Gross care of the skin , it suggests sulfur - based medicine, such as mask clearing colloidal sulfur , dry place. "The sulfur control the oil that feeds the bacteria, the spots completely reduced. so calm sulfur osmosis, the infection to relieve swelling and eliminate to smooth the spot. Once the stain is flattened and the infection is gone, the redness begins to fall. "

About Acne

02-all differin.comIf are the problem through ongoing epidemics, try retinoids or over-the-counter (retinol) or prescription as a treatment for acne. "I think compared to other treatments are not only advantageous for the treatment of acne, but also prevent new acne" Sejal Shah, MD, MPH , a dermatologist in New York. "Does this early stage of the blockage of the follicles to prevent and may help some acne residua later as hyperpigmentation. "Here are some other ways you can delete the brown spots .

large pores "Help cleanse products pores oil or petroleum chemistry to normalize is important" from says Dr. Gross has designed its buffer to eliminate the acne for the same purpose. "These are ensure deep penetration - keep an eye out for products with salicylic acid and witch hazel extract to reduce pores, exfoliate glycol and lactic acid and improve extract willow bark of clarity of the skin. "And be sure to avoid these bad habits , which can clog the pores .

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oily skin of firstaidbeauty.comThere are many myths about the oily skin . Inevitably effective treatments include glycolic acid and lactic acid wipes, solutions or toner. "The excess oil is cleaned and leave the skin smooth and free of oil," says Francesca Fusco , MD, a dermatologist in New York. Recommended Beauty liquid coating the skin FAB Lab First Aid for gentle exfoliation.

Cleaning of oily skin dermwarehouse.comRegular by washing, and moisture is the key for people with oily skin. Alan Parks, MD, dermatologist and founder of DermWarehouse recommends Cetaphil DERMACONTROL Oil Control Foam Wash . "It is designed to clean the fat and skin prone to acne and is clinically proven to gently wash the excess fat and impurities and makeup, all of which can clog pores and cause pimples. "In response, as the controlling DERMACONTROL Cetaphil moisturizing oil for oil Capacity 3-en-1 - control and brightness to help hydrate and provides UVA / UVB - broad spectrum protection for the skin oily, acne - themes.

Sun, age and brown spots of sephora.comWhatever you call, vitamin C should be your first line of defense. "Not only Vitamin C helps lighten pigmentation and break you already have, but it helps prevent dark spots or sun spots in the future constitute" says Dr. Big. "The activity of the enzyme leads to pigment production and also addresses the existing discoloration is reduced. "His love for this ingredient has the new inspired C + Serum from clear collagen and firm Among the other favorites." Clinicians Complex 6% whitening cream of the skin . "It is designed to discoloration and pigmentation by a mixture of three known bleaching agents and skin lightening hydroquinone (2 percent) dipalmitate, kojic acid (2 percent) and extract to alleviate bearberry (2 percent)," says Dr. Park. Here are five ways to fade , the age spots in the house .

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rosacea the dermwarehouse.comFrom food in windy weather , there are many triggers of rosacea. When an asthma attack occurs, suggests Dr. Fusco to reach for that first - aid of beauty Anti-Redness Serum . "It's full of caffeine, a natural vasoconstrictor that to calm visible redness of the skin and colloidal sulfur, which fights the cause of facial redness aloe and ginger, a natural remedy, strong anti-redness help.

dark circles Laroche-posay.usIt is the rare person who does not know the puffy eyes and the dark circles under sometimes. La Roche Posay Redermic eyes R formulated a pure retinol specifically for the eye area. "It contains caffeine, which is very effective in reducing the swelling," says Dr. Shah. Caffeine works by reducing it the blood vessels constricting fluid accumulation.

dry skin of lovelyskin.comIt not enough moisten the dry skin , it is also necessary to repair. " Cream medical Epionce Barrera not only supplies the skin with moisture, but it is compatible to soothe the skin barrier function and protect," says Elizabeth Tanzi , MD, founder and director of Capital laser and skin care and clinical assistant professor, Department of dermatology at the medical center of the George Washington University. Is also effective in the repair of skin cream SkinMedica , ultra-rich moisturizer that helps prevent moisture loss and improves the suppleness of the skin, "says Dr. Park.

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Anti-Aging of weleda.comRetinol and tretinoin (Retin A) are the most studied and tested in the market, according to Dr. Tanzi anti-aging ingredients, so look for them formulated products. Weleda Granada Age Defying collection of face (serum, day cream, night cream and eye cream) a favorite of Dr. Fusco's "The products are bio - oil grenades and work to improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles is reduced, helping to actively regenerate the skin," says Dr. Fusco.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Dermatologist recommended 10 products for every type of skin care concern - Readers Digest
Dermatologist recommended 10 products for every type of skin care concern - Readers Digest
Water Based Moisturizer
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