Big Beauty problem: What is the person cream with oily skin should use in winter? -

One of the biggest problems for oily skin is to find a good moisturizer. This problem is exacerbated by the cold of winter, when the air is...

One of the biggest problems for oily skin is to find a good moisturizer. This problem is exacerbated by the cold of winter, when the air is much drier and sucks the nutrients of our face that makes our skin look dull. What happens when our skin badly extreme temperatures and lack of moisture reacts by producing more oil to protect themselves.

This means that even if the heat can not oil and fractures, cold air and drying still active. In addition, a film of grease can damage our face layer in winter, trap dust and caused significant damage to the skin. Obviously, no one wants this. So we do?

Most creams for facial moisturizers are heavy and greasy, it remains its description as a "cream" true. People with oily skin naturally can not apply this kind of cold cream on facial skin without escaping the risk of. Therefore, we must all a lesson in the right kind of moisturizer for oily skin, especially in winter.

Creams, lotions and oils are completely different products


The viscosity and the composition of creams, lotions and oils are completely different. Today, when more than a moisturizer is a gel or a cream, knowing that these differences of the skin can turn routine.

In short, creams and balms are much thicker and thicker. Then come lotions to incline the more water. Even more watered down (pun intended), spirits were.

Use according to requirements skin


In order to heal and enrich the skin and fat to publish, we need moisture. But can not be applied for both oily and dry skin in the same moisturizer. Oily skin is imbalanced skin substantially. To understand how they, this imbalance should be treated differently from dry skin, it can help you understand that oily skin is dehydrated, while dry skin lacks lipids.

For people with oily skin, it's too much on the surface of the oil production, which leads to a gate of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Our primary aim should then be that the oil film is controlled and more or less clean to ensure, and the inner balance of the skin is maintained, that more oil is not caused to occur, the accumulation.

This second fact, ladies and gentlemen, why oily skin needs a moisturizer. A hydrating moisturizer that penetrates the skin after washing, and increases the deeper layers of the skin with water-based nutrients, is what we need.

You can not a person, oily skin and a thick layer of Nivea cream on his face in the hope to be working. Therefore, the use of a source of drinking water-based is critical. Note that, as products for dry skin, as conventional products sea, sit on the skin but do not penetrate.

The layers should step in


Therefore, we have found that oily skin does not require usually thick creams. Instead, perfumes layers, gel, lotions and - in that order - the benefits of oily skin during the dry winter months.

Since what your skin needs is water, which is what we have started. The water is easily absorbed by the skin, it is the best way to make fat and shiny. Thus results atomization and application of a substance or a hyaluronic acid gel, the initial hydration. After that, the application of a lotion gives us, without being greasy, helps moisturizing lipid-based, to strengthen the skin. Most people with oily skin do not need extra cream beyond this stage.

The following lotions go to usually

Find a moisturizer and light water-based, especially, it is very important for people with the task of oily skin. Fortunately, we have done the research for you and found some fire extinguisher in the skin glass and bottles that will grow with love.

L'Occitane Angelica Body Milk


Neutrogena Hydro increase water gel


Clinique Moisture Surge Extended refreshing


La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo


L'Oreal Paris Hydrafresh all day Supreme Moisturizing Emulsion


Oriflame Nature Tea Tree love facial cleansing lotion

The Face Shop - Chia - Seed Moisturizing Emulsion


Avon moisturizing gel cream light Nutraeffects


L'Oreal Paris Hydrafresh Deep Boosting Essence



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Big Beauty problem: What is the person cream with oily skin should use in winter? -
Big Beauty problem: What is the person cream with oily skin should use in winter? -
Water Based Moisturizer
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