This water-based moisturizer from Tatcha (one of the most popular brands from Meghan Markle) saved my dry, flaky skin - Yahoo Lifestyle

Here is a short list of things I tried against my dry skin in winter: I consumed more water. I exfoliated once a week. Hell, I even tried t...

Here is a short list of things I tried against my dry skin in winter: I consumed more water. I exfoliated once a week. Hell, I even tried twice a week. I invested in fancy schmancy (like Foreo Luna , which helped a little ). I've tried countless products, some oil-based and some cream-based. I seem to have tried everything.

However, towards the end of 2019 I found a product that finally the difference accounted for : Tatchas water cream .

Yes, it's a brand loved by Meghan Markle who spoke to Prince Harry of his love for the Polish enzyme in Polish rice powder , but I didn't find it that way. A friend praised him and decided to try the cream. As simple as that.

Before proceeding, you should briefly explain what water really means. Although this moisturizer has a creamy texture, it feels like your face is splashed when you use it. (Tatcha describes it as a unique "burst of water" that occurs during use to better moisturize the skin without making it greasy or sticky).

It is also worth calling the bad test in my office. Simply put: LED lights shine brightly . Friendly, brilliant photo shoot. You can see all the spots and loose hair from the eyebrows, even if you're about six inches from the mirror. This is the best and truest way to assess the effectiveness of a beauty product. Challenge accepted.

A look at my complete skin care routine with Tatcha's water cream: Every morning before I apply makeup, I spray a little toner (like Josh Rosebrooks ) on my clean, fresh face. I wait a few seconds for the toner to absorb and then apply a light layer of watery cream. One of the best parts of it is water-based, which helps a little bit really. (I feel like it melts on my skin.) I give myself a minute to soak up, then I do the rest of my routine and apply foundation, concealer, and eyeshadow. blush etc. if necessary.

Do the bath test at work: after a month with the water cream, I noticed a noticeable difference. No kidding, sometimes I make a double decision: "Wait, where's my dry, flaky and sensitive skin? Instead, my complexion looks hydrated and healthy. Makeup slips. I don't make a face when I work out at 4pm on a workday look in the mirror.

I always export once or twice a week because you have to do it. But let's say I added water cream to my arsenal of basic beauty products, and that says a lot for $ 68 a bottle.

Buy ($ 68)

RELATED: 9 Beauty Products Meghan Markle Swears By

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: This water-based moisturizer from Tatcha (one of the most popular brands from Meghan Markle) saved my dry, flaky skin - Yahoo Lifestyle
This water-based moisturizer from Tatcha (one of the most popular brands from Meghan Markle) saved my dry, flaky skin - Yahoo Lifestyle
Water Based Moisturizer
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