Huda Kattan has just launched the first of its skin care products: Wishful - CosmopolitanME

Presentation of Wishful - "real products on real skin". As if Huda Kattan could no longer do anything, he left th...

Presentation of Wishful - "real products on real skin".

As if Huda Kattan could no longer do anything, he left the company and announced the third brand in his global beauty empire . It's all about skin care. The beauty tycoon announced last month that she was working on something for the skin , and now she has officially launched her new addition to the Huda Beauty family . "Desiring" skin has to do with a "sincere and sincere" approach to beauty: music for our ears.

Huda Kattan has just launched the first product in its skin care line: Wishful

This new range will include a variety of sweet products, simple and effective, the goods for your will be routine for daily skin care . We can't wait to try to see how these beauty products will change our lives.

The beauty queen herself spoke earlier about her fight against acne, consistency and epidemics , and how she decided to experiment with it herself in search of the essentials for skin care. This makes a lot of sense, especially since makeup is already prevalent .

"Of the 45 million visits to the Huda Beauty blog each year, more than 20% of the visits and comments we receive relate to our skin care content. I know about all the comments I get from My subscribers received that they were looking for solutions to the same skin care problems as I did, so with Wishful I wanted to work that visibly "creating simple but powerful skin care products for immediate and lasting results," says Huda .

Desirable first products are the peeling enzymes I GLOW, a gentle but effective peeling (for all skin types) that removes dead skin cells. It also doesn't matter, but this version is cruelty-free, vegan, and made in Korea. Go ahead and take my money.

It's safe to say that we can't wait to see what other Wishful products come onto the market (be it a water-based moisturizer).

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Huda Kattan has just launched the first of its skin care products: Wishful - CosmopolitanME
Huda Kattan has just launched the first of its skin care products: Wishful - CosmopolitanME
Water Based Moisturizer
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