Coily hair do not really need a moisturizer?

A wetting agent is a water-based product that penetrates all the way to the inner layer of the loops. Although many companies label their m...

A wetting agent is a water-based product that penetrates all the way to the inner layer of the loops. Although many companies label their moisturizing products, read the label of ingredients and make sure that the water in the list is the first or second.
It is indicated for:

Overall, the types of hair and curly hair are coily dry.

This is on the outer cuticle of our son, which tends to be high, moisture can easily escape from the hair. To prevent moisture from escaping it is important to use a moisturizer, then lock in moisture with a sealant.

Can I moisturize the skin Butters and oils?

Often shortenings and oils are used wrongly as a moisturizer. Although these products are perfect for blocking moisture, most of which can not penetrate the inner layer of the chain. Shea butter, cocoa butter, vegetable oils, and lanolin extracts are examples of plasticizers, which are ingredients that act as natural sealants.

Hair products can hydrate?

A moisturizer is designed to improve the health of your curls, while a molder to form loops. It is a common misconception that Styler moisturizing.

In an attempt to ensure retention, many styler contains dry ingredients. At the beginning of my journey to natural hair, I would buy styling products that are marketed as a moisturizer on the market. As a student, I did everything possible to save money by 2-in-1 products to buy, but after the product two or three times the use it was clear my hair have not receive moisture that it needs.

How to find moisturizer

I always buy products that are as natural as possible.

Always look on the label ingredients to when the first 5 ingredients and moisture to see your hair. My two favorites are Moisturizer SheaMoisture and Camille Rose Naturals. These brands are offering the favorite community for its target products that are possible as natural and organic as.

This product can be applied to both wet and dry hair. Type 2 Diane Maria Blogger preferred moisturizer on your hair when applied dry, while I prefer my way apply coils 3c in the wet. Spray my hair first and apply this product while finger combing hair. Seal sealant product with my favorite: the manufacturer curls Camille Rose Naturals.

My hair just like the ingredients and guess what, the first ingredient is water. According to the company of one of the ingredients is a lot of love! I turn as described above the product. The results are wonderful in coily curly hair!

Which moisturizer is like now?

Make - we know that our   NaturallyCurly Facebook.

Your hair width to find the perfect emollient.   For this reason.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Coily hair do not really need a moisturizer?
Coily hair do not really need a moisturizer?
Water Based Moisturizer
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