These things are not moisturize your hair

Curly hair needs moisture and the first hair moisturizer is water. There are a lot of moisturizers on the market, but there are also p...

Curly hair needs moisture and the first hair moisturizer is water. There are a lot of moisturizers on the market, but there are also products that falsely think the people who have them use the hair with moisture. Here's a list of things that the hair is not moisturize.

hair Butters

Hair Butters are amazing, sealants moisturizer frequently used to protect and styles in the colder months. Products based on water, even though they have moisturizing ingredients, which are more suitable for sealing of water or moisture, such as humectants, conditioners without rinsing or conditioning agents. They are usually the last step before or using your styler. Not only do they lock the moisture that prevents moisture Add ingress of butter. Keep up to make the use of butter to seal and you can not go wrong.

The addition of moisturizer for the messy hair

No moisturizer in the world will work when applied to dirty hair. You have to remove all impurities and hair care products, so that it can accommodate adsorb and moisture. Therefore, the clarification shampoos is a need to ensure that all traces of dirt and products have been removed and the hair can be prepared for the packaging and moisture. Shampoos are in our community not popular, but they are necessary, healthy and moisturized hair to keep right.


Many oils evils associated with moisture, but the oils, in particular carrier oils, simply seal to keep moisture the hair has already been implemented. Some selected oils are able to penetrate the cuticle and feed the hair shaft, such as coconut oil, avocado oil and olive oil, but many are simply au sit on the crown. Apply before oil, you do your homework to see if it is one that penetrates the hair shaft. We published a list with nourishing oils, sealants and mastics provide some moisture here.

Styling Products

We Curly Girls love our Styler and it was not my gels Holy Grail, I'd be a fool frizzy, but do not assume they are enough to apply moisturizing. Your molder can some moisturizing ingredients, but its main function is to wait. Curly hair needs all the moisture it can get, so it is important to leave a molder before use.


Our hair is made of keratin, produced proteins and hydrolyzed proteins must meet the cuticle damaged hair, but that the protein does not do for our hair is to moisturize. They are used to build up the hair again and strengthen, not wet. an appropriate balance between protein and moisture for healthy hair needs and that requires two different types of products. Never go it adds moisture treatment or protein can be done with too often, leading to dry, can cause brittle strands.

Filled silicone

There is a love / hate among many curlies and silicones. We are told that they are the devil and cause accumulation, but it just is not soluble in water silicones that cause the problem. Many girls use curly and water-soluble silicone love. Silicones provide water as dimethicone or dimethicone PEG-8 phosphate great benefits for our curly hair and can be removed without the use of harsh sulfates. The problem lies in the belief that there, these silicones a huge blade on the hair available, effectively moisturize the hair, making it look dry and damaged hair and healthy and feel smooth.

He knows that the only source of hydration is. Moisturizers help moisture, oils and silicones can attract help retain, and to reduce protein loss of moisture through the temporary repair of hair. Water-based products are your best friends, ladies. Do not forget to read the labels, particularly moisturizing, refreshing drinks and leave in conditioner.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: These things are not moisturize your hair
These things are not moisturize your hair
Water Based Moisturizer
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