Therefore, you can not use your hands to pay the bills. This does not mean that you do not want to see their best at all times, righ...
Therefore, you can not use your hands to pay the bills. This does not mean that you do not want to see their best at all times, right? Here are some simple ways worthy model gloves.
He he feels no time for another treatment regimen skin has? This routine use will keep your hand and fingers beautiful nails, and does not take much time. Promised.
All you need are the right tools and products. In addition, some discipline. Let fattening fingers.
7 Tips for the model from hand to hand and worthy for nail care
1. moisturizer. Ah yes. It appears that many skin care dilemma is reduced to a greater hydration. Ever wondered why he just Lotion nothing to do, the hands seem to dry? A water-based moisturizing lotion are not held to the skin, and an oil-based product, and can promote dryness. Try a cream rich in vegetable oils and butters, as Odacite hands and the treatment of heel . And do not forget to rub the nails.
2. Exfoliate. They do it to your face and body, do not forget to exfoliate your hands well. The removal of dead skin cells means moisturizer can more readily absorb into the skin. It also makes the skin smoother and younger. Indie Lee Citrus Coconut Body Scrub used to dry sugar free, while the coconut - and jojoba oil soften. And the delicious smell of summer, it is a real pleasure.
3. Maintenance of the cuticle. You've probably heard a million times. healthy cuticles are the same healthy nails. Believe it! Keep these little suckers discussed before they are out of your hand, gently slide a cuticle pusher or orange stick. A cuticle oil, as a nail of organic vapor Clove Bio Beauty and fills the cuticle oil helps soften and make it easier to press. Trim any excess carefully with tweezers. Note: Do not go too nuts on the interface, or you are with sore cuticle at the end. I speak from experience.
4. Glass - files. It really makes a difference. These serious Emery boards can break and broken nails. A glass file is much gentler on the nails and especially useful if you want to split your nails or weak tendency. Using crystal Priti lime on nails . Note: The pointed end makes a great cuticle also.
5. Wear gloves. The winter is over. But we talk about the use of gloves in here. If you clean your bathroom, washing or another task to do on their hands in the water will be to pull on a pair of work gloves. If you care about fed cotton Household gloves are made from natural, renewable and chemical free latex. Your hands and nails will thank you.
6. nail brush. You can imagine the dirt and bacteria that thrive under the nails. We are not trying to scare you, but only highlight the importance of regular washing. Furthermore, to make this movement look nails healthy tips and bleaching. Use Swissco wooden nail brush with natural bristles .
7. Use five free enamel. Now comes the fun part. Show the precious hands. Choose a cool color free 5 (or two) for the spring in a glaze 5 dates are without prepared to resist the harmful ingredients, so not only keep your nails dry and break, but are healthier for you.
* Note: using the EcoSalon support! Our site is help for people who live a conscious life. We have links provided to former subsidiaries, if you want to buy one of these products.
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Image model of the hand via Shutterstock