New report examines the market for drugs against acne prescription ... - WhaTech

Acne is a common condition that leads to the formation of lesions or pimples. The disease is accompanied by overproduction of sebum due to...

Acne is a common condition that leads to the formation of lesions or pimples. The disease is accompanied by overproduction of sebum due to the high production of the hormone during puberty androgens characterized.

Hormonal hyperactivity leads to overproduction of sebum. Sebum is an oily substance, which is formed in the sebaceous gland, which lies just below the surface of the skin.

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Tallow is well known, however, lead as a moisturizer natural skin, excessive secretion of sebum to pimples. Acne is by the formation of nodules (papules), comedones (blackheads), seborrhea (scaly red), scars and blackheads characterized.

Acne is a common problem among young people reported having about 90% and 95% of adolescents and 83% and 85% of girls aged 16 to 17 are affected by pimples. This disease tends to be dissolved in middle age, but 20% of teenagers, acne can persist into adulthood.

According to various estimates were in 2010 about 650 million people affected than eight most common disease worldwide indentified sources with acne and acne. Acne occurs due to various factors, such as hormonal factors, genetic factors, psychological factors, nutrition and infectious agents is experienced.

Acne can not be cured permanently, but medicines for acne available on the market commercially to prevent the scars. Several drugs used to treat acne include retinoids, anti-androgens, hormonal treatments, benzoyl peroxide, anti-seborrheic drugs, keratolytic soaps, alpha-hydroxy acid, salicylic acid and others.

Prescription drugs acne market segmentation

The market for prescription prescription acne can be classified as available for various drugs on the market. Accutane (isotretinoin), Desquam-E (benzoyl peroxide), Cleocin T (clindamycin), Benzamycin, topical erythromycin (A / T / S, erycette, t-stat), Retin-A (tretinoin) and Minocin (hydrochloride minocycline) more anti -Akne drug commercially available on the market.

In addition to the aforementioned drug tretinoin (Retin-A) is another drug for the treatment of anti-popular acne that is available, the forms and the freezing of topical creams. Furthermore, all these drugs do not require a prescription and doctors can be used on the bar without consultation.

However, isotretinoin (Accutane) in capsule form, the drug is available by prescription only. Furthermore, today, a combination of anti-acne medications are available as Benzaclin clindamycin with benzoyl peroxide in combination to treat acne effectively.

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Drug prescription acne Market: Geographical Dynamics

The market for medicines for prescription anti-acne can be segmented by geography in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the world. Currently, North America is the largest market in prescription drugs against global acne.

Dominance has experienced in this region due to the presence of a large number of pharmaceutical manufacturers, the easy penetration into the market allows the high level of awareness of the population and the increasing prevalence of acne. Absorica capsules Ranbaxy Laboratories (isotretinoin) launched in the US market in 2012 launched recently.

This product is also a key brand of Ranbaxy's portfolio of dermatology products. It is expected that Asia and the Pacific to observe a significant growth in the future eating habits due to changes, lifestyle and increased patient awareness.

In addition to the increasing use of pharmaceutical giants in Asia and the share of the Asian market would increase market medications for acne. However, side effects associated with medications for acne are taking an important factor that could hinder the growth of this market.

Ranbaxy Laboratories, Roche Diagnostics, Johnson & Johnson and others are some of the leading players in this market.

The report provides a comprehensive assessment of the market. It does this through qualitative views in depth, verifiable historical data and forecasts of market size.

The projections in this report were obtained using proven methods and research hypotheses. so the research report serves as a repository of information and analysis on all aspects of the market, including, but not limited to do to regional markets, technology, types and applications.

Request a brochure for this report to find out what opportunities in the prescription market quickly emerge of anti Exchange - acne on 6-202201 3



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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: New report examines the market for drugs against acne prescription ... - WhaTech
New report examines the market for drugs against acne prescription ... - WhaTech
Water Based Moisturizer
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