Put this on your skin every day for less wrinkles - The Alternative Daily (blog)

It is fair to say that we all want younger looking skin. As you age, the supple skin of our youth begins its elasticity to lose the...

It is fair to say that we all want younger looking skin. As you age, the supple skin of our youth begins its elasticity to lose the wrinkles from a witness of our results over the years.

Because no one immune to wrinkles, it is a multi - billion. Cosmetic companies continue to enjoy in this lucrative world of beauty industry big, with millions of people around the world - buy cream after the anti-wrinkle - - wrinkle cream on, despite its apparent ineffectiveness.

Personally, I've never had a wrinkle - bought product in my life, and do not intend to do it again. TV - Spots are enough to send me into a laugh: exfoliating microbeads? Nanoparticles deep penetration? Moisture - Serum? All of this is marketing - developed jargon to effective and sound ridiculous cuts, but it is almost always a heady beer chemicals. The need to moisturize? Here's an idea: it wet, then apply the coconut oil. No microspheres or serum required!

Most of these trade against - wrinkles - products do more harm than good. In weak attempts cream a great price - wrinkles, pump absorbs products full of chemicals and preservatives, not only through the skin layers in the blood, but can the progression of aging accelerate first skin! It is a bit ironic, really.

So - hope so, anyway for the skin? I agree! As always, it is best to turn the nature for optimal nutrition and lifelong health of your skin. Try this natural anti-wrinkle - and save money (and the health of your skin!) Alternative in the process.

The coconut oil

Coconut oil medium chain fatty acids nourish the skin.

The coconut oil is the first in the list of natural folds - means simply because I am with the theme madly in love. Since its Paleo, found coconut to my Heart Place a very close because it is not only impressive for cooking, but also hair, scrubs, submerging dark chocolate (seriously, try it), and hydration of the course.

Medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil make it very nutritious for the skin, and when used correctly, moisture can block and provide a protective barrier that mitigates the effects of aging and sun elements. All these factors combined marbling means a good amount of extra virgin coconut oil cold pressed onto the skin every day should help prevent those pesky wrinkles.

But here is to discover a while an important tip that I took: the coconut oil works best when applied after the skin moistened. I ask, as a rule immediately after the shower to make sure I lock moisture before it evaporates. The result is a skin that is smooth and wrinkle-free, and for a fraction of the cost of these unpleasant wrinkles - creams!

olive oil

There is a reason why the olive oil is a skin care product outlet for over 5000 years! Egyptians to the Greeks to the Romans, have been ancient cultures quick to realize the potential for promoting the skin of olive oil, and there are many people who still give a place of honor in his office bathroom for today.

The olive oil is fully loaded with vitamins A and E, both of which are critical antioxidants from free radical damage in the dermis (skin) and feed to protect the skin from the outside. Monounsaturated fatty acids in the oil of olive blocking the moisture content of the soil is a serious contender for the best wrinkle available natural food.

As always, quality is the key - for best results choose cold oil extra virgin olive pressed in dark glass bottles.


The bananas are not only good for your interior - its powerful blend of vitamins and antioxidants can do wonders for your skin. The B - vitamins and vitamin C helps banana to slow the progression of aging while moisturizing help deep skin cells, the highest known concentrations of potassium.

For a powerful anti - wrinkle - mask fetzte just a whole banana and mix one teaspoon of plain yogurt that is rich in fat, then on your face. Let the mixture for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Follow to block with a generous amount of coconut oil moisture and odor face freshly made banana bread. Delicious!

Aloe vera

Aloe vera can prevent wrinkles and reduce inflammation alleviate psoriasis.

Everyone knows that the thick gel in the found Aloe Vera - sheet is amazing for sunburn and itchy dry skin - is not surprising to discover that it will prevent a great way to develop wrinkles? Wrinkles occur when the skin cells begin to die and the dermis dried slowly lose their elasticity. The gel of aloe vera is very moisturizing to the skin is prevented from drying and slow wrinkling.

Not only that Aloe Vera is rich in nutrients to nourish the skin to protect your skin from the hazards of daily life. Those - include vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E, calcium, potassium and zinc. Preliminary studies show that topical application of aloe vera can help treat the psoriasis , the rate of healing of wounds and less of inflammation , so it is an excellent choice for your next natural wrinkle - cream.

Lemon and honey

If you have big plans for the day and need to look good, then it is "a simple and natural way to make sure your face is young and fresh: DAB lemon honey. Honey contains a moisturizer, a natural moisturizer for the skin, while fresh lemon stimulates juice of the skin cells to produce more collagen. Give squeezing half lemon juice in a bowl and mix in a small amount of raw - honey , then use their fingers to apply the mixture to the face. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

- Liivi Hess



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Put this on your skin every day for less wrinkles - The Alternative Daily (blog)
Put this on your skin every day for less wrinkles - The Alternative Daily (blog)
Water Based Moisturizer
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