Hilary Duff shares Visagiste 6 tips for dry skin, winter - E! On-line

David Livingston / Getty Images Winter is here. Whether you're fighting or bomb cyclone, the sun live in Hollywood, the skin is prone...

ESC: Hilary Duff

David Livingston / Getty Images

Winter is here.

Whether you're fighting or bomb cyclone, the sun live in Hollywood, the skin is prone to dryness and dehydration during the colder months. The lips are cracked, the oil production in the highest gear that clog the pores and lost the natural layer of dew quality. It is not surprising Sports Star - Stylist Bel Air participation based on Angela Caglia skin comfort.

Do not worry, you do not need to live or to fight a lot of money in the hills have to winter skin, the professional who has worked with, Hilary Duff , Helena Christensen and Minnie Driver -shared tips tomorrow night will help to restore moisture to your face ,

Tomorrow: It may be cold in the morning, but not the button at the end. "Wash your face with warm water instead of hot water as this will prevent damage to the skin of its natural oil," advised Angela.

The season is withdrawn their products. "During the cold winter months, replace your vitamin C or glycolic cleaning with an oil-based cleaner", encouraged Professional. to consider the key ingredients shea butter, borage oil or meadowfoam. They want to "clean deeply nourished and causes without releasing effects by skin-foam agents," he added.

At noon: Apparently a good skin care really comes from within. "Flood food hydrate inside to help. Examples include watermelon, apples and watery vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, carrot, "said Angela.

"For an office with high-blown heat, keep a moisturizer on your desktop and reapply as needed to keep the skin moist. In addition, you can choose one based on oil, no oil, which can dry out the skin even more. if you can find a moisturizer that "not clog pores, he added Remember, water-based moisturizing not as good as the base oil in winter hydrate. Bonus points.

In PM: Once the make - up and cleaned the skin, do not be afraid of the product layer. Most skin regenerates during sleep. "My favorite moisturizer routine the winter night many layers of products includes," Angela said. "I like to use my customers to my've soufflé moisture as a base, then my add oil luxury for the face (can still, if you add a humidifier in the bedroom at night moisture better sleep) at the top just before bedtime" ,

The Pro also recommends exfoliating lips three times a week: just gently rub with a toothbrush through his lips and follow with a nourishing lip balm.

A few extra steps to make the skin very soft value, right?



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Hilary Duff shares Visagiste 6 tips for dry skin, winter - E! On-line
Hilary Duff shares Visagiste 6 tips for dry skin, winter - E! On-line
Water Based Moisturizer
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