10 Benefits of olive oil not know before - Nigeria Information

some of the benefits to amazing health Olive oil is a wonderful oil, sweet scent, which, in fact. You can reduce the risk of cancer, diab...

some of the benefits to amazing health Olive oil is a wonderful oil, sweet scent, which, in fact. You can reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes control and reduce cholesterol levels, to name a few benefits, and also has many practical applications.

Among the many advantages of olive oil:

1. Reduce the risk of stroke
Take two tablespoons of olive oil a day increases the elasticity of the arteries and thus make it less prone to stroke and heart attack.

2. It reduces the appearance of stretch marks
the benefits of olive oil include the appearance of stretch marks to reduce. Rub olive oil on the skin during pregnancy make the skin more elastic and thus reduce the risk of stretch marks to develop. It can also be used after birth to help lighten stretch marks that have occurred.

3. An alternative to mascara
You can get big and beautiful eyes without mascara that makes some people itchy eyes. Apply a little olive oil with a mascara brush and the long and bright, given Tabs without allergies.

4. protects red blood cell
Finally blood cells oxidize, which is a major cause of aging. It is a kind of polyphenol protects red blood cells from oxidation in olive oil that will keep you younger longer and help protect the heart, do not forget to add the oil olive salads.

5. Can be used as a night cream,
If you have very dry skin, and olive oil is a great night cream for you. Just before bedtime, a small amount of olive oil Apply wakes soft, supple in the morning on your face and a skin.

6. Reduce the Signs of Aging
non-exhaustive list of the benefits of olive oil would be complete without mentioning that reduce the signs of aging. Olive oil contains antioxidants and vitamin E, which makes it an excellent anti-aging treatment. Keep your youthful glow, apply olive oil on your skin every day and help keep wrinkles away.

7. State your hair
Your hair can also enjoy the wonderful benefits of olive oil. Olive oil was used as a natural hair conditioner for centuries. Cleopatra Sophia Loren, beautiful women in the world and throughout history have used oil to nourish your hair and strengthen them.

, 8. A moisturizing natural skin
Olive oil is one of the most beautiful natural skin moisturizers. Use soon bring it as a hand cream or facial and body moisturizer and is the softness of her skin.

9. easier thick cough
When dry cough, tingling is obtained, it can relieve irritation olive oil with a teaspoon.

10. Eliminates gum
If you put rubber find quickly a hard surface even if you get a little on the skin like a floor, a chair or rub a little olive oil on them and rubber is soft and makes it easier to remove.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: 10 Benefits of olive oil not know before - Nigeria Information
10 Benefits of olive oil not know before - Nigeria Information
Water Based Moisturizer
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