talk about skin care in Greenwich goes advice that sunscreen - Greenwich Time

Photo: Bob Luckey Jr. / Hearst Connecticut Media picture 1/8 subtitle conclude Image 1 August Dr. practicing Kim Nichols, a dermat...

GREENWICH - With a diagnosed in five US with some type of skin cancer in their lifetime, said Dr. Kim Nichols, it is more important than ever to ensure that all measures to protect against accepts sunlight.

UBS called to speak as part of their series of women leadership recently dermatologists in Greenwich based on an amount of about 50 at the Perrot Library.

How often to use sunscreen and skin care for men also held at the event, where the audience was filled with questions and advice.

"I've never used a moisturizer," said Vicente Fiorentino, vice chairman of UBS Group Fiorentino. "I think I have fabulous skin. What am I? "

Nichols said that many people have an aversion creams and thick goopy for skin care greasy. But there are other lighter suitable for face and body.

"I recommend a moisturizing gel-based cream on water base for men," he said.

Greenwich Chris Cabanillas resident asked: What is each day the lotion?

"The moisturizer in the locker room in a country club," he said, "we call lotion - can you tell? They said that it is good for your face that you put in your body. What about the other way? "

"Sometimes," Nichols said with a smile. "However, if it necessary, you can use what they have. "

If you sit on the beach or spend time in the sun, apply every two hours, to recommend a glass full of sunscreen. When a person dies of skin cancer, Nichols, founder and director Dermatologists are NicholsMD he said.

"One of the things we are talking about is very important for me because I had a melanoma," Kay Mondello Old Greenwich said a resident. "There are three types: basic, squamous cell and melanoma. People do not realize the dangers of skin cancer. "

Anyone who finds an abnormality on the skin or mole has a list references in alphabetical order: asymmetry, border, color, diameter and evolution.

A mole healthy said Nichole should have a rounded edge and be symmetrical. If there is a color, but brown, which could be a concern. Moles should not be more than 6 mm and - the size of an eraser head clear - or should evolve over time. Nichols recommends deviate mole of these guidelines are checked by a doctor.

Sunscreen in makeup included is not enough. Nichols recommends layers of sunscreen under makeup and refreshing for optimal protection during the day. But no need to use powerful sunscreen, she said no more resistance than SPF 30 is minimal.

Emily Scalise NicholsMD director said his main goal is to give people that they need to stay healthy.

"It is important that consumers know what to look for and where they need to look for ... even if they do not come to us," he said.

"Everyone is interested in the health and longevity," said Fiorentino, "and do what is necessary to have sufficient health and prosperity. We asked the following question: What is the relationship between finance and health of women? You can not have one without the other. "

Jennifer Turian in the e - mail and follow this on Twitter and Instagram @jturianoGT: @greenwichgreen.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: talk about skin care in Greenwich goes advice that sunscreen - Greenwich Time
talk about skin care in Greenwich goes advice that sunscreen - Greenwich Time
Water Based Moisturizer
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