The best moisturizer for every skin type - Business Insider

Why you'll love it: With an ultra- hydrating formula based on hyaluronic acid and available for less than $ 6, The Ordinary's natu...

Why you'll love it: With an ultra- hydrating formula based on hyaluronic acid and available for less than $ 6, The Ordinary's natural moisture factors provide the best value for money.

As one of the most versatile and affordable moisturizers on the market, ordinary natural moisturizers are suitable for all skin types. And it costs less than $ 6. It consists of essential amino acids and dermal lipids that relieve dry skin, without parabens, sulfates and phthalates that may be harmful. He is also vegan and humane.

Made without oil, alcohol, silicone, nuts, gluten and fragrances, this moisturizer is also a good choice for most people with sensitive skin. However, people with extremely sensitive skin should consult their doctor first. to attempt

If you ask a skin care expert, there is an ingredient that allows this moisturizer to compete not only with products under $ 10, but also with much higher price tags: Acid Hyaluronic , the key to a soft, moisturizing skin The natural moisturizing Ingredient is produced by our own skin cells to maintain moisture content, but environmental stressors can cause fluctuations in hyaluronic acid.

In combination with the ingredients mentioned above, hyaluronic acid in natural moisturizing factors provides immediate hydration with lasting effects. Refinery29 describes the formula obtained as "Ultraricha cream of the same thickness as the hundred times more expensive found in elegant glasses".

This low-cost moisturizer received an average rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars, based on more than 200 customer reviews on the Sephora website, as well as a listing in the list of Best Allure Anti-Drug moisturizers for under $ 20. Most examiners with a wide selection of skin types, from dry skin to sensitive skin, praise natural moisture factors for their ability to quickly hydrate the skin, even in cold climates.

The overall result of this moisturizer is that it is an excellent choice for a daily moisturizer, but it may not be the right choice for a long-term, long-lasting moisturizer, especially for the skin. dry or mixed.

Advantages: cheap, good for all skin types, easy to use

Disadvantages: The results may not last for longer periods

Buy the natural factors of natural hydration at Sephora for $ 5.80



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: The best moisturizer for every skin type - Business Insider
The best moisturizer for every skin type - Business Insider
Water Based Moisturizer
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