The Best Moisturizers For Acne-prone Greasy Skin - 13 Moisturizers For Outbreaks -

Girglaze for Getty Images: Stephanie Foden Rule number one, to get a smooth and expensive skin? Never skip the hydration. Well, it's ...

An Afro-Brazilian woman visits the São Joaquim Market in Salvador.

Girglaze for Getty Images: Stephanie Foden

Rule number one, to get a smooth and expensive skin? Never skip the hydration. Well, it's probably not the number one rule, but moisturizing the skin is just as important as cleansing, drinking plenty of water, eating your fruits and doing sports or not. , In order to find the best moisturizer for skin care, it is best that almost all fall into one or more of the following skin categories (greasy, dry, combined or normal) and that there are many serums moisturizers. that suits everyone. But today we are here to talk about oily skin.

Believe it or not, oily skin needs the same moisture as normal, dry and combination skin. "It's a mistake to think that people with oily skin do not have to use moisturizers." Removing oil from the skin can destroy the skin's barrier and cause unwanted irritation. To find a moisturizer that does not add extra oil to the skin, but moisturizes it, "said Dr. Lian Mack , MD, Certified Dermatologist at ELLE (which means they do not clog pores or cause acne) and skin with water-loving ingredients like hyaluronic acid moisturizes. "

Something good, light moisturizers and no oil are just a click away. Buy the best pharmacies, luxury and dermis-approved face creams to keep your skin hydrated and non-greasy.

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For more protection SPF

Moisturizer with AM sunscreen, SPF 30

$ 16.49

The Dr. Joyce Imahiyerobo-Ip Certified Dermatologist suggests searching for so-called "non-comedogenic" products, meaning that it contains no ingredients that clog and cause pores. CeraVe is great because it combines a light moisturizer with sunscreen (which is a must for everyone). "


For sensitive skin

Vanicream Lite lotion pump for sensitive skin,
$ 13.35

$ 9.59 (28% off)

A greasy and sensitive skin is not easy to treat, but Vanicream Light Lotion is highly recommended. "If you have extremely sensitive skin or experience allergic reactions, you should try the Vanicream Light Lotion," added Imahiyerobo-Ip. "Even this product is non-comedogenic and contains no preservatives or allergens that can irritate the skin."


The night outside the texture

AquaBoost moisturizer without oil

$ 68.00

"This oil-free moisturizer is specially formulated for acne prone skin, it's light but it keeps the skin hydrated all day long," Imahiyerobo-Ip said. Goodies are packed in small packages. This moisturizer contains honey, aloe, hyaluronic acid and more to alter the texture of the skin.


To confirm

Regenerative cream "moisture-dependent"

$ 150.00

"This product is oil-free and contains an exclusive compound called 5-Hydra Complex, which hydrates and firms the skin without causing fat," Dr. Mack added.


Reduce pores

BeautyPrep Hyaluronic Serum
Jane Iredale

$ 52.00

In addition to his daily moisturizer, Lian Mack suggests mixing this hyaluronic acid serum into his routine to "help reduce pores and fine lines."


For a favorite dermatologist

Moisture oil control DermaControl SPF 30

$ 18.99

According to Lian Mack, the Cetaphil Oil Control moisturizer is ideal because of its main ingredient, a mineral called silica. "Like clay, silica is a mineral that absorbs oil," she says. "The micro-pearl technology of this product gives the skin a dull appearance and a wide range of UVA / UVB rays, reducing sun exposure and preventing the activation of sebaceous glands or oil-producing glands."


To eliminate the scars

Moisturizer Perfecting Sheer Transformation®
Ole Henriksen

$ 40.00

This versatile formula does it all: It reduces impurities, gives a healthy and glowing shine and gives the skin a softer texture.


For a light feeling

The cream of water

$ 68.00

The beautiful mint glass is as beautiful on the outside as the ingredients, which are filled with bottled nutrients. It is light and has a similar consistency to water that is perfectly absorbed by the skin.


For lasting results

Cloud Hyaluronic Cream. Wet Water
Peter Thomas Roth

$ 52.00

Do not be stingy with this creamy and creamy mixture of hyaluronic acid clouds and elderberry extracts, which together for 72 hours (!) Cause increased hydration.


For the gram

Pink moisturizing watermelon
Recipe glow

$ 21.00

With the same watermelon extract as its predecessor, the Watermelon Glow Mask, the rose juice moisturizer with watermelon juice contains hyaluronic acid as well as a soothing and gelatinous feel.


For a choice of fragrance

Oil-free lotion from Umbrian clay

$ 36.00

Umbrian clay, meadowsweet extract and vitamins C and E are the powerful ingredients your army needs to save your skin. Together, they cleanse the skin, control the oil, tone and restore moisture.


To prepare before applying make-up

Moisturizing green tea without oil

$ 38.00

You're probably drinking a cup of green tea every morning, but did you know it works wonders for your skin? The fast-absorbing formula blends into the skin without loading and leaves the skin supple to create a flawless canvas for your make-up.


For a matte finish

La Roche-Posay Effaclar Matte face cream for oily skin
La Roche Posay

$ 31.99

Get this moisturizer if you want to stay dull all day long. This oil-free lotion not only moisturizes the skin, but also improves the appearance of the pores and keeps you hydrated, with no signs of fat.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: The Best Moisturizers For Acne-prone Greasy Skin - 13 Moisturizers For Outbreaks -
The Best Moisturizers For Acne-prone Greasy Skin - 13 Moisturizers For Outbreaks -
Water Based Moisturizer
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