New cleaning series for Lab Series oil control systems prevents summer blasting - The Handbook

As we are men, our faces naturally produce more oils than our female counterparts. That has its advantages. The oily skin is excell...

The new series of the Oil Control Cleaner series maintains the brightness of the summer video campaign 20180701 spp pc 960x490

As we are men, our faces naturally produce more oils than our female counterparts. That has its advantages. The oily skin is excellent as our faces tend to age better over time due to increased hydration. However, this also means that our faces are covered with light oil stains. at the beginning of the afternoon in the summer, accompanied by a break and follow-up spots. There are ways to prevent the afternoon oil show from applying moisturizing moisturizers, drying paper, and not going outdoors when heat and humidity are too high. However, it is not practical to avoid hours of daylight since mattifying moisturizers can not do it simply to avoid midday brightness, and blotting paper solves only the symptom and not the problem. Would not it be great to have a skincare product system to reduce oil pollution in our human pores? There are some thanks to the Lab Series.

The new Lab Series Oil Control Trio includes a clay-based cleanser and mask, a cleaning solution (or toner) and an oil-control moisturizer. Together, these three products make up a strong trifecta of oil fighters.

Controlled Clay Oil + Face Mask - $ 26
The new series of Oil Control series Oil Control prevents the sand mask is modified for the body image

The first step of the three-step process is actually a double step. The Oil Mask + Cleaner with Lab Series Oil Control acts like an effective facial cleanser and oil-absorbing clay mask. When used as a facial cleanser, it removes oil, dirt and debris that clog pores while reducing pore size. When used as a mask, it absorbs excess oil and clogs pores while providing another dose of instant dullness. We found that it was a bit too dry to use as a mask and then as a cleaning agent. Avoid reproducing this bad boy unless you have a face that is ready to extract oil.

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Oil Control Cleaning Solution - $ 22
The new series of toilets from the Lab series for oil control avoids modified light cleaning solution for the body image

The second stage of this three-step process also includes Amazonian white clay and an extract of algae to reduce and reduce signs of irritation and redness, as well as witch hazel, a natural astringent, to remove excess oil and pore attachment. These three ingredients help eliminate dead skin cells remove, reduce oil and balance the skin. According to the Laboratories series, with frequent use, the Oil Control cleanser solution can reduce and regulate sebum production, meaning that your face will contain less oil over time. Win!

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Daily Moisturizer for Oil Control - $ 36
Lab series The new Oil Control toilet series prevents moisturizer with summer shine, which was developed for the body image

This oil-free moisturizer contains Amazonian white clay known for its ability to absorb excess oil while detoxifying salicylic acid to minimize flare and peel off the first skin layer and extract. Marine whip for its properties. soothing Apply this moisturizer after the next two steps and eliminate the glow for the next eight hours. If it is already oil when you put it on, do not worry, because it also provides an instant mat, which means that you can push it and are ready to leave the door at the same time.

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Now that you've found your solution for oily skin, make sure you get the right sunscreen. Discover the best non- greasy sunscreen for men with oily skin. Your beach body will thank you.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: New cleaning series for Lab Series oil control systems prevents summer blasting - The Handbook
New cleaning series for Lab Series oil control systems prevents summer blasting - The Handbook
Water Based Moisturizer
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