Do you want a soft palm? It's easy, look at 4 great tips - Primenewsghana

Do you want a soft palm? It's easy, look at 4 great tips Smooth, smooth palms make you feel satisfied. If you feel dry, rough hands, y...

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Do you want a soft palm? It's easy, look at 4 great tips

Smooth, smooth palms make you feel satisfied. If you feel dry, rough hands, you may not feel well when shaking hands with friends or strangers.

Factors such as dishwashing, bathroom cleaning and gardening are the cause of this problem. We all want soft palms that are well or well hydrated. This is one of the first things that people with a tight handshake immediately notice to you! This is a cause for concern when one day we get up and find that our palms are not as soft as before.

You may wonder what is wrong and try to find different emollient creams to solve the problem. The truth is, you can unconsciously do things that harden your palms. You just have to know what it is and go from there. Take a look at the following tips:

1. Protect your palms : It is always easy to forget that our palms are as sensitive as any other part of our body. They also need extra protection. Wear gloves to avoid calluses and blisters the next time you lift a heavy object or handle a tool. Also wear gloves when washing and always moisten your hands after washing, washing or contact with strong chemicals with a soothing hand lotion.

2. Moisten daily : Do not forget to moisten your hands at bedtime to restore the pH balance of your palms. It is also important to moisturize after washing. In fact, detergents, soaps and shampoos contain sodium sulfate, causing the skin to dry out and shrink. Let your palms be hard and dry.

By rinsing your palms with clear water and moistening them with a soothing, water-based lotion, the moisture is retained and sealed, leaving your hands soft and supple.

3. Stay Hydrated : At the end of the day, our entire body system needs water to survive. That's why maintaining hydration is the key to nearly all of our skincare issues, including the fight for softer palms. It's always helpful to have a bottle of water with you. In this way, you can easily take a sip, even if you are not very thirsty.

4. Regular exfoliation: The exfoliation does not only have a positive effect on the face and feet. You need to wear hand blouses if you want softer palms. You can make a quick with coconut oil and sugar. Put a teaspoon of coconut oil in your palm and rub your palms. Be sure to spread the coconut oil between your fingers. Then add a teaspoon of granulated sugar and rub your hands.

If the mixture of oil and sugar is well distributed between all hands, rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel. Finish with an intensely moisturizing lotion. Do this 2-3 times a week and you will notice that your palms are getting soft.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Do you want a soft palm? It's easy, look at 4 great tips - Primenewsghana
Do you want a soft palm? It's easy, look at 4 great tips - Primenewsghana
Water Based Moisturizer
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