How to get a better skin, so the famous faculty - WHOWHATWEAR

If only perfectly preserved skin was as easy as gives a key to a successful moisturizer or remember to cleanse our makeup afte...

If only perfectly preserved skin was as easy as gives a key to a successful moisturizer or remember to cleanse our makeup after a long night and one of the other tequilas. Oh no Our skin is a complex entity (it's an organ after all!), And most of the time it seems to have its own opinion about its behavior. As a beauty editor, I'm fortunate enough to get some of the best skin care products on the market and work with some of the industry's most talented cosmetologists and dermatologists . Although you think that the two previous factors would automatically create perfect skin, they certainly do not.

Since becoming a beauty editor, the path to homeostasis has never been so difficult, and I've often struggled with cyclical issues such as epidemics and scarring. Part of my job is to try out new products and treatments that often do not work well on my sensitive skin and therefore tend to become blocked. In addition, other factors such as stress, lack of sleep and pollution (thanks to you, LA!) Will not help you.

After a particularly hectic winter about two months ago, my skin has reached a historic low. I broke my chin, mouth, jaw and cheekbones (my buds used to be around my mouth) and my skin was full of mini buttons, bumps and even a few black pimples. I went crazy and despite the amount of skincare products that I had tried to improve in a desperate attempt, nothing worked. Until I meet Vanessa Hernandez , a beautician from Los Angeles, whose clients include beauties like Gwyneth Paltrow and Amber Valletta .



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: How to get a better skin, so the famous faculty - WHOWHATWEAR
How to get a better skin, so the famous faculty - WHOWHATWEAR
Water Based Moisturizer
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