Moisturizers need this ingredient to really help your skin - good + good

Buying moisturizers can be very stressful. With an infinite selection of ingredients that offer a long list of promises, be it watermelon j...

Buying moisturizers can be very stressful. With an infinite selection of ingredients that offer a long list of promises, be it watermelon juice or your own blood (really!). How should you find out what c is it really? is it worth it to occupy a privileged place in your #shelfie? Well, a key element could be more important than the rest: a good H2O.

In a recent thread on Reddit , users discussed what makes up moisturizer and it turned out that water is what you should look for in the ingredient list. It's nothing special, but it does make a big difference when it comes to moisturizing the skin. According to Lana Pinchasov , a certified dermatology assistant in New York, every moisturizer must have a base on which to mix the other ingredients, usually water or oil. Oil- based moisturizers are perfect for those who "need to replenish the oil that acts as a protective barrier to the skin," but it's not as soothing to your skin as water.

"Applying a water-based moisturizer helps your skin retain moisture and replenish nutrients." -Lana Pinchasov, certified medical assistant in dermatology

"Oil-based moisturizers will continue to moisturize and simply will not receive as many additional benefits as a water-based base will bring," he says. "When you feel dehydrated, you drink water so that your body can rehydrate, and the skin also uses water to rehydrate.The application of a water-based moisturizer helps your skin retain moisture and replenish nutrients, and because water not like oil sticks to the skin, it prevents it from filling the pores and causing epidemics. "

To get the most out of your investment in a water-based moisturizer, Pinchasov recommends applying it to the face and body, even when it is still slightly damp, eg. B. after cleaning or after showering help to keep the moisture. , Even more. You have a soft, silky and shiny skin throughout the winter .

If a dyed moisturizer and a matte base had a baby , it would be. Or find out what Hilary Duff, a ketogenic staple, uses as a moisturizer and whether it really works or not.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Moisturizers need this ingredient to really help your skin - good + good
Moisturizers need this ingredient to really help your skin - good + good
Water Based Moisturizer
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