Kendall Jenner reveals her skin care secrets in a new video - International Business Times

Kendall Jenner is known for her soft skin, but it's not by chance that she looks like him. The model had so many acne problems in high ...

Kendall Jenner is known for her soft skin, but it's not by chance that she looks like him. The model had so many acne problems in high school that at the time she was not ready to leave the house. Through a rigorous daily routine, he was able to get the perfect skin he has right now, and recently shared details about the online routine.

Jenner has a very simple morning routine that she shared with her fans on Twitter . The model loves Proactiv products and has partnered with the company. She begins the day with a deep facial wash and ends with an oil-based moisturizer.

Deep Cleansing Facial Cleanser frees the pores and gives the skin a softer look. Then gently dry your face with a towel before applying the Oil Control Moisturizer to 30 SPF. The cream has a UVA / UVB protection and a matte finish.

Just as the morning routine is important, the night routine is important too. Again, Jenner kept the simplicity and confirmed in an online publication that the routine works.

Jenner starts with a thorough facial cleansing in the evening before going to bed. Then use Adapalene Gel, a retinoid that cleanses acne. Proactive recommends using additional moisturizers for this product.

Skin care is so important to Jenner that he does not leave home without his products. The model has shared a video with all the products she brings on her travels, which she does extensively for her job and vacation.

In a release above that Jenner seems topless, the model wrote that her acne was worse when I was in high school. She is happy with her skin now.

Kendall and Kylie Jenner Kendall and Kylie Jenner attend the NBC Universal Golden Globe Party at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California on January 8, 2017. Photo: John Fredricks / Getty Images



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Kendall Jenner reveals her skin care secrets in a new video - International Business Times
Kendall Jenner reveals her skin care secrets in a new video - International Business Times
Water Based Moisturizer
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