The 11 Best Creams For Dry Skin In Winter 2019 - College Candy

Shutterstock If the daily hydration of the skin is important in any season, this is even more true for the winter season. The weat...

If the daily hydration of the skin is important in any season, this is even more true for the winter season. The weather is a big culprit. Dermatologist Joshua Zeichner , Director of Aesthetic and Clinical Research in Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital, said: "Factors such as cold and dryness pressurize the outer layer of the skin and eliminate the necessary essential oils to maintain a healthy skin barrier." It will If you have dry skin, it is best to stay under a hot shower for at least 10 minutes Excessive exfoliation or exfoliation can also alter the outer barrier of the skin and contribute to dryness and inflammation If you see dandruff, listen You to the needs of your skin and donate moisture .

And there are reasonable ways to do this: 'Moisturize within five minutes after leaving the shower to maintain hydration; Shortly before going out in cold weather to protect the skin from environmental influences, and at night when the moisture content of the skin is lowest, "advises Dr. Zeichner, adding these three moisturizing moments to your daily routine, keeping your skin moist and moist every day like in the summer.

So, what is the best lotion for dry skin? According to Dr. Draftsmen are aware of three categories of moisturizing ingredients: "Occlusive ingredients such as petrolatum or dimethicone form a protective sealant on the skin surface Moisturizing ingredients such as glycerine or hyaluronic acid act as a sponge to moisturize the outer layers of skin and emollients such as natural oils 'help to bridge the cracks between the skin cells to soften the outer skin layer.'

How do you make the right choice after all the speeches? With so many options at the local pharmacy, choosing a lotion for dry skin can be challenging for your situation. Luckily for you, here are some of our favorite lotions that will surely help you to spend the holidays.

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This special lotion is best for inflamed dry skin. Soothes sensitive and irritated skin in atopic dermatitis with XeraCalm AD primitive lipid firming cream. Based on a formula based on active biotechnological innovation, I-modulia® reduces the sensation of dry itching and relieves redness and inflammation due to hyper-reactivity.

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Maintain dry skin with Forever Young Body Butter with Supergoop Sea Buckthorn SPF 40! ®. Formulated with omega-rich sea-buckthorn extract, this deep-moisturizing formula reduces signs of age spots, uneven skin tone and increases elasticity.

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Eucerin Advanced Repair Lotion is a breakthrough in repairing very dry skin and fighting the original dryness. Hydrates for a healthy-looking skin for 48 hours. This body lotion for dry skin is enriched with Ceramides-3 and natural moisturizing factors. It is light and absorbs quickly. This body milk contains no odors, dyes or parabens and is gentle enough for everyday use.

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Moisten dry skin with Kiehl's elegant, non-greasy body lotion. Formulated with cocoa butter and beta-carotene, this moisturizing body cream leaves an elegant and smooth skin. Moisturises dry skin and improves skin texture.

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Ulta Beauty

Relieve chronically dry and sensitive skin with this clinically proven formula. Extra strong softeners and moisturizers bind water to the skin and prevent moisture loss. It is a formula without lanolin, without parabens and without perfume. This is by far the best light lotion for dry skin!

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If you have dry and sensitive skin, here is the product for you. Vanicream Lotion is a thick, gentle moisturizer that helps restore and maintain a normal level of hydration. It relieves reddened, irritated, cracked or irritated skin. It is as gentle as it is effective even on the most sensitive parts of the skin. It is an ideal moisturizing formula for dry skin that is associated with eczema, psoriasis, ichthyosis and winter itchiness.

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This product is the best water-based lotion for dry skin. The La Roche-Posay lotion moisturizes and nourishes normal to dry skin. Its formula enriched with shea butter and glycerine and its light texture relieve eczema, hypersensitivity and dryness. In addition, its high concentration of prebiotic thermal water contains moisturizing, soothing and antioxidant properties. This moisturizing lotion for the body is light and fragrant and can be applied daily.

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Dove DermaSeries Body Lotion provides lasting comfort for very dry skin and eczema. This fragrance-free lotion tested by dermatologists is a powerful yet gentle method for the care of dry, irritated skin. It absorbs quickly and moisturizes the skin. It has been clinically proven to regenerate extremely dry skin and restore the skin's natural protective barrier over time.

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Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Lotion improves the health of your dry skin in one day. It has been clinically proven to help hydrate and soothe dryness with soft oatmeal and rich emollients. This daily body lotion moisturizes for a softer and smoother skin. The unique oatmeal formula is quickly absorbed and makes your skin soft, beautiful and healthy. Recommended by dermatologists, it has no odor, is not greasy, is non-comedogenic and is gentle enough for daily use.

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Vaseline Intensive Care Advanced Unscented Advanced Repair Body Lotion Moisturises dry skin and repairs stubborn, dry skin. It contains microdropleted petroleum jelly to preserve moisture and moisturizes to treat dry skin in 5 days. It is an excellent daily lotion for the body, ideal for dry skin, sensitive skin and dry and irritated skin.

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Northern Storm

Treat yourself to this Sisley Dry Skin Lotion when you are ready to pamper yourself with a skin care product. This body cream provides moisturizing benefits to lastingly moisturize the skin. The formula is rich in softening and relaxing ingredients, reduces discomfort and visibly softens and smoother skin. The fresh, silky, light texture is not sticky and absorbs instantly. Its fresh and delicious aroma provides a real moment of relaxation at the time of application.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: The 11 Best Creams For Dry Skin In Winter 2019 - College Candy
The 11 Best Creams For Dry Skin In Winter 2019 - College Candy
Water Based Moisturizer
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