Relax and rejuvenate with these beauty and bath products CBD - Westchester Magazine

The 8th of August is the National CBD Day and we are in water mode! By Dave Zucker roxxyphotos | Adobe Stock The CBD industry is booming...

The 8th of August is the National CBD Day and we are in water mode!

By Dave Zucker

roxxyphotos | Adobe Stock

The CBD industry is booming in Westchester with dyes and foods, muscle creams, bath salts and facial masks. Since August 8, the national holiday of the CBD, we celebrate with some of our most popular spa and beauty products, made from locally produced hemp and sold locally, to give it an optimal look and feel.


Joy Organics CBD Eye Serum

30 ml 99.95 USD; The message from Pharm , Armonk

Refresh your skin and help eliminate dark and swelling around the eyes. This versatile formulation contains aloe vera, cucumber extract, alfalfa and lab-tested THC-free CBD oil. ,

Dark temptation body lotion

5 oz $ 39.99; CBD Live Natural

Moisturize, smooth the skin, reduce fine lines and inflammation, and minimize signs of aging with this organic water lotion enriched with essential oil and 100% natural hemp CBD oil.

Photo courtesy of CBD Live Nartural

Total rejuvenating serum Maria Valentino

30 ml, 68 dollars; The message from Pharm , Armonk

Developed for men and women, this serum is loaded with CBD and full-spectrum terpenes as well as argan, baobab and jojoba oils, reishi mushroom extracts, vitamin E and many more. Ingredients designed to promote scalp growth and repair. and hair

Luminous mask MÄ€SK

$ 29.99 each for $ 84.99 for the third variant

Moisturizing and healing MASK face masks contain 20 mg of CBD in a bag, as well as vitamins, antioxidants and everything you would expect from a good facial. They also come in the formulations " without spot " and "without age ", a formula for men " for him ", which is to be brought shortly on the market.

Where do you get a CBD facial in Westchester?


Bubble bath with lavender

8 oz $ 19.99; CBD Live Natural

We would have argued that there is nothing more relaxing than a bubble bath, but we later learned that I could have a bubble bath with a CBD infusion. It combines a completely natural hemp extract and the already relaxing aroma of lavender. An 8 ounce bottle contains only 100 mg of CBD. With 3 recommended bath pumps it is a very gentle dose, ideal after a long and stressful day.

Photo courtesy of CBD Live Natural

Himalayan bath salt

5 oz $ 10.99; CBD Live Natural

If the bubbles do not suit you, try bath salts with CBD infusion. It also contains other essential oils, sprinkle something in the water of your bath for a peaceful experience and relieve the fear that you will feel like you are in a bath in the warm waters of the sea, surrounded by lush flora. With 200 mg CBD per bottle, you can personalize your experience and be a little bit stronger.

Photo courtesy of CBD Live Natural

Bath bomb lavender CBD

50 mg $ 10, 85 mg $ 15; Skinchanted Spa , Peekskill

Do you really need to relax? Bombard your forgotten problems with handcrafted bathroom accessories from Hudson Valley. In addition to the delicious soothing and moisturizing ingredients of a typical bath bomb, these little delights are filled with pure 50-85 mg (fat) CBD for one of the most relaxing baths you've ever seen.


Aromatherapy candle with lavender sage

$ 19.99; CBD Live Natural

It is late. You have just returned from work. You take off your shoes, drop your bag on the door, and throw your work clothes on a path as you walk to the room. With a soothing and relaxing CBD candle made from natural soy wax and cotton blended with pure essential oils ...

Photo courtesy of CBD Live Natural

Mary's Nutritionals Hemp Massage Oil

3.46 oz $ 40; The message from Pharm , Armonk

When you put the candle on the nightstand, the love of your life comes to you from the next room, a bottle of Mary's Nutritionals massage oil already in your hands. This massage oil is specially formulated to relieve skin irritation, moisturise and restore radiance. It contains 50mg full spectrum hemp extract, sunflower oil and grape seeds, perfect for completing the natural shape to relax and heal your pain and fatigue. the muscles What leads to the best conclusion of your intimate evening ...

Wheel Soap Co. Sleep Cream

200 mg ~ 40 $; whole food

... a wonderful night of restful sleep. (Why, what did you think?) This sleeping cream, formulated as part of Rad Soap Co.'s CBD infusion and bath range, is largely based on its content (full-spectrum hemp, lavender, chamomile extracts, etc.) as this is not Case is : no parabens, no phthalate sulfates, no gluten oil or walnut oil, no GMOs or chemicals corrosive or animal by-products. Better yet, the products of the Albany-based company are transported to the Hudson Valley in many local full-value markets! (Check with your favorite store which Rad Soap Co. products with hemp infusion are available locally).



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Relax and rejuvenate with these beauty and bath products CBD - Westchester Magazine
Relax and rejuvenate with these beauty and bath products CBD - Westchester Magazine
Water Based Moisturizer
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