10 best water-based moisturizers of 2020 - face creams for oily skin - cosmopolitan

@patrickta Instagram I've literally used a water-based moisturizer for as long as I can remember. I am obsessed with them and will t...


@patrickta Instagram

I've literally used a water-based moisturizer for as long as I can remember. I am obsessed with them and will tell anyone who hears (aka my friends) why they should use as soon as possible. They moisturize my skin without choking, sticky or greasy my face. Another bonus? They move through my skin in minutes , so I don't worry about them looking shiny. And because they contain super moisturizing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin and vitamin E , they are just as moisturizing as heavier creams.

Already sold? So I thought about it. Now that you're switching to a water-based moisturizer, keep scrolling to find the one that's right for you.

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The best water-based moisturizer for oily skin

Tatcha water cream

$ 21.00

Do you have oily skin? The Japanese leopard in this water-based moisturizer keeps oil production under control Great news for you and your oily T-Zone.

from them

The best water-based moisturizer for dark spots

Sunday Riley Tidal Enzyme Water Cream

$ 22.00

Treat dark spots ? This water-based moisturizer exfoliates and unifies your complexion with papaya and alpha-arbutin enzymes. The effect is smooth, shiny and shiny AF skin.


The best water-based moisturizer for dry skin

Fresh Rose Deep Moisturizing Face Cream

$ 42.00

The list of ingredients for this water-based moisturizer reads like a dream for your dry, thirsty skin . Hyaluronic acid, rose water and vitamin E work together to keep the skin hydrated all day long. And don't worry, it leaves no heavy residue.

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The best water-based moisturizer

Clarins Hydra-Essentiel refreshing gel

$ 48.00

What's in this water-based moisturizer? Incomplete ingredients such as parabens , sulfates, phthalates, silicones and mineral oil. Instead, it is loaded with natural plant extracts that soften, brighten and moisturize the skin.

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The best vegan water-based moisturizer

Drink H2O Hydrating Boost Hydrating Tart

$ 39.00

If you only want to use vegan skin care products , try this water-based moisturizer from Tarte. Hydrate your skin and fill fine lines with hyaluronic acid and squalane. Since the formula is animal friendly, you won't be guilty all over the face.

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The best water-based moisturizer for sensitive skin

Dermalogica Still Water Gel

$ 50.00

This moisturizer water-based for sensitive skin does its name justice - it is filled with moisturizing and soothing ingredients like cactus pear, glycerin and apple extract to give you a shiny skin without redness.

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The best water-based moisturizer from the pharmacy

Neutrogena Hydro Boost water gel

$ 19.99

I'm obsessed with pharmaceutical skin care products . You do the job and don't cost half of your salary . This water-based moisturizer is a test. It's a lightweight gel that hydrates the skin (thanks to hyaluronic acid and olive extract) and costs less than $ 20.


The best water-based moisturizer for irritated skin

Boscia Cactus water moisturizer

$ 38.00

Apply this water-based moisturizer to instantly feel relaxing and moisturizing sensations on your face. The aloe vera and cactus extract relieves irritation and inflammation and gives your skin the much-needed dose of moisture.

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The best natural water-based moisturizer

Biossance Squalane and probiotic moisturizing gel

$ 52.00

This natural water- based moisturizer is filled with probiotics, ginger extract and red algae and works on your face with literal magic . When this trio joins, it reduces redness, soothes the skin and helps to moisturize it.


The best mattifying water-based moisturizer

La Roche-Posay Toleriane Oil-free moisturizing liquid

$ 29.99

Since this moisturizer is based on dry water for a smooth, matte finish, it serves as the basis for your makeup . But don't worry, just because the formula is dull doesn't mean your skin will dry out. It is formulated with glycerin and thermal water to keep you hydrated.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: 10 best water-based moisturizers of 2020 - face creams for oily skin - cosmopolitan
10 best water-based moisturizers of 2020 - face creams for oily skin - cosmopolitan
Water Based Moisturizer
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