How to make eyebrows at home: 14 tips for shaping, plucking, plucking and waxing eyebrows - yourself

If you normally go to a professional to shape and care for your eyebrows , you're probably wondering how to deal with eyebrows at h...

If you normally go to a professional to shape and care for your eyebrows , you're probably wondering how to deal with eyebrows at home given our new socially distant reality .

Taking care of your skin care and beauty routines is of course not a matter of life and death, but it can be an important and relaxing ritual that will help you feel in an increasingly difficult situation. more frightening and chaotic. I was definitely bitten by the quarantine blemish and I am sure that I am not the only one. I still haven't touched my eyebrows, but now that we're in a few weeks, I can say that they need a little attention.

Well-groomed eyebrows create the right contact and a lot of restraint. Just ask anyone who stung too much in the late 90s and early 00s . Like me, you may need advice on how to accurately shape and care for your eyebrows at home. That's why we talked to two experts about their best advice. Below is an overview of the basics, including where to start, how to determine the best brow shape, and the steps to combat hair removal and hair removal.

First, here is some basic information you should know to keep your eyebrows at home.

How to discover your natural forehead shape:

First, determine where to epilate or pluck the hair as you don't want to remove too much hair. The key is first to your forehead natural form to determine . "I would start by aligning your dots with the bottom half of a brush or makeup pencil," said Nicky Cayot , a New York-based beautician and eyebrow artist , to SELF.

It means the following: Align the brush vertically to your eye from the outermost point of your nose. This is where your bow begins, says Cayot. Align your brush from the next notch in your nose where it would be pierced along a diagonal line that moves straight to the center of your eye. Here, of course, your bow is the highest. Then, from this point on the nose, tilt the brush diagonally to the end of the eye. Your forehead must end here.

If you need a picture, read 10 tips for the best eyebrows in your life that were previously published in SELF. And if in doubt, stick to the basic shape of your forehead.

Here is the amount of hair you need to epilate or epilate:

Whether it's tweezers or waxing, your rule of thumb should be to remove as little hair as possible at least initially, she said to SELF Tee Hundley. Owner of the Suite Tee Beauty Studio in Jersey City.

"Once you've lost too much weight, you can't add it anymore," she says. "Some people like to use an eyebrow pencil to draw a line under the eyebrow where they want their eyebrow line to go, and then just remove all the hair under that line." According to Hundley, the shape is created from the top of the eyebrow. Therefore, use very minimalistic tweezers with obvious streaks on your bow or nothing at all.

Warning: Do not cut your eyebrows with scissors.

You may have seen your stylist use scissors to cut your eyebrows to get the right look for your face, but it's really difficult at home. "Cutting your eyebrows can be difficult and can seriously change the shape and then the look of your face," says Hundley. "Leave the cut to your eyebrow stylist."

If you want more control over the hair on your eyebrows, you should use a styling gel while waiting for your next appointment to style your eyebrows. A small eyebrow brush is easy to maneuver and handle small bristles. Try ILIA Essential Brow Gel if you want to tame and improve your bows, or the clear Saie Brow Butter formula if you want to add a subtle definition - there are hardly any.

Another limitation: if you don't trust your hair removal skills, always use tweezers.

According to Cayot, tweezers are much easier than hair removal and are highly recommended for home care. "It's accessible," she says. "I like pliers inclined Tweezerman ".

If you want to grow thicker eyebrows, Cayot says this is the right time. She suggests buying NeuBROW Eyebrow Enhancer Serum . "I've seen everything in the sun and it's by far the largest eyebrow growth I've ever seen on a product," she says.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: How to make eyebrows at home: 14 tips for shaping, plucking, plucking and waxing eyebrows - yourself
How to make eyebrows at home: 14 tips for shaping, plucking, plucking and waxing eyebrows - yourself
Water Based Moisturizer
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