You will be surprised by the dangers of piercing and tattooing on the ears - Health24

A small ear piercing or tattoo on the ear can do more harm than you ever imagined. Piercings and ear tattoos have become increasingly popu...

A small ear piercing or tattoo on the ear can do more harm than you ever imagined.

Piercings and ear tattoos have become increasingly popular, but have you ever wondered if they could be dangerous?

You might think that only a small piercing or tattoo can do any harm, but think again.

Unsterilized needles

Tattoos are essentially a medical procedure; The skin is pierced with a needle and injected with ink into the dermis, which is the second deepest skin layer under the epidermis.

Unfortunately, tattoos are not only painful, they can also cause infections if they are not done properly. For example, unsterilized needles can cause infections.

A Health24 article warns that if the tattoo artist is not properly trained, areas where the skin is punctured can become infected, which can lead to scarring.

The same applies to piercings.

The dangers are real

"Piercings and tattoos have essentially no effect on their hearing , but there were problems with the perforations when they were pulled through the cartilage of the ear," says the ear specialist Dr. Ing. Nasal Kroukamp.

Cartilaginous piercings are holes in the upper part of the outer ear and take longer than the holes in the earlobe.

When the cartilage is punctured, it can lead to infections (pericondritis) and to cartilage overgrowths (cauliflower ear), explains dr. Kroukamp.

Ear piercing

"Perichondritis is when bacteria spread from the skin to the cartilage and cause the infection." (Operations, head injuries or contact sports can also cause infections and damage to the ear).

"A strict aseptic technique is important to prevent infection and to cleanse the fresh wound regularly, but to avoid perforation through the cartilage.

Dr. Kroukamp added that inflamed cartilage may begin to develop and cause malformations or damage to the ear. Any proliferation of cartilage must be surgically removed.

Modes come and go

If you choose a piercing or tattoo in your ear and are willing to take risks, you need to make sure you have a good follow-up.

Tattoos are permanent and can not be removed by laser treatment while a piercing closes when it is still cold enough.

They offer these tips for future care.

Piercing care of the ears:

  • Always wash your hands before touching recently pierced ears.
  • Wash your ears regularly with soap and water.
  • Rotate your piercing several times a day to keep the piercing open.
  • Apply alcohol twice a day to the piercing to prevent infection.

Watch out for ear tattoos:

  • Apply a water-based lotion to the tattooed skin, especially if it is dry.
  • Apply sunscreen and reduce the time in the sun, while the tattooed skin is healthy.

Note, however, that if your tattoo or piercing becomes red, hard, itchy, or infected, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Images provided by Wikimedia Commons



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: You will be surprised by the dangers of piercing and tattooing on the ears - Health24
You will be surprised by the dangers of piercing and tattooing on the ears - Health24
Water Based Moisturizer
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