According to dermatologists, the best moisturizers for oily skin - New York Magazine

Photo: seller If your face overproduces its natural oils , you can think twice before adding more moisturizers. This does not me...

Photo: seller

If your face overproduces its natural oils , you can think twice before adding more moisturizers. This does not mean that you should not hydrate at all. "While you want - to remove all of the skin, the oil, it is important to keep some natural oils and the skin barrier," says the dermatologist Medical Care Mount, Melanie A. Warycha . You should always use a daily moisturizer and sunscreen. "

Cleaning excess skin or excessive use of oil control products can actually do more damage, remove the skin, causing dryness and redness, adds Warycha, which can cause your skin to reproduce excess sebum (and break off). all spots) accordingly. The goal is a moisturizer to find , which derive the absorption line of the oil from the surface and can provide the skin with moisture. So we contacted two dermatologists to find out which ones are the best for oily skin types and how they can be bought.

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel

$ 20 at Ulta

A good general rule is buying non-comedogenic products (which can not clog pores or cause acne) without oil. Both experts recommend the Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel for oily skin types. However, experts recommend it countless times for dry skin types that are prone to rosacea and even pregnant women . Derms like these things.

"It is non-comedogenic, contains no alcohol or oil and is therefore perfect for oily skin, containing glycerine and hyaluronic acid, which are humectants that can moisturize the skin without the need for plasticizers that are too heavy for oily skin "said Hadley King , clinical dermatology lecturer at Weill Medical College, Cornell. university

La Roche Posay Effaclar Matte Moisturizer Anti-shine for oily skin
La Roche Posay Effaclar Matte Moisturizer Anti-shine for oily skin

$ 32 at DermStore

Here's another oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer with a slightly matte finish. King claims that this Effaclar Mat Moisturizer from La Roche-Posay uses "Sebulyse technology" to control excess oil. "The brand's new patented ingredient [has] demonstrated superior clinical efficacy against sebum studies." Matte effect for the micro-exfoliation of lipohydroxy acids, microspheres and perlite, which "absorb moisture and sebum".

Cetaphil PRO Hydro-Absorbent Moisturizer SPF 30
Cetaphil PRO Hydro-Absorbent Moisturizer SPF 30

$ 14 on Amazon

King also recommends this oil-free Cetaphil moisturizer because it provides extra protection against UVA / UVB rays (which helps UV rays increase sebaceous gland activity and oil production, says Warycha). It manages "microbead technology", which absorbs oil from the surface, reduces gloss and creates a dull finish, says King. "Their clinical studies have shown that the oil is absorbed and I think that silica is one of the main factors responsible for this effect."

Olay CC Cream Moisturizing Concealer Concealer
Olay CC Cream Moisturizing Concealer Concealer

$ 25 at Ulta

If your skin looks red and greasy all day (damned combination), Warycha recommends this Olay color-correction cream. It contains niacinamide or vitamin B3, which explains, "an anti-inflammatory that absorbs fat and strengthens the skin barrier."

Peter Thomas Roth soaks cream water hyaluronic acid cloud
Peter Thomas Roth soaks cream water hyaluronic acid cloud

$ 52 at Dermstore

She also likes this hyaluronic acid moisturizer Peter Thomas Roth, which is applied as a smoothie soufflé. It is oil-free, non-comedogenic and contains ceramides and antioxidants that store moisture (so your skin is smooth and shiny but not greasy).

Differin Adapalene Gel 0.1% treatment of retinoid acne by prescription
Differin Adapalene Gel 0.1% treatment of retinoid acne by prescription

$ 13 to the goal

It is not really a "moisturizer", in itself a more treatment, but there is a recommended product for people suffering from Differin acne. It is the only retinoid-resistant drug or vitamin A derivative available without a prescription, and Warycha states that it is an interesting product for oily skin, as retinoids have been shown to affect the function of sebocytes (secreting cells of the oil) and reduce the size of the pores ".

Moisturizing oil with sunscreen Differin
Absorbent moisturizer with Differin sunscreen

$ 10 at Amazon

Fortunately, if you want to try a moisturizing version of Differin, make a container along with SPF (who knows?) And absorb the oil through the microbead technology mentioned above. We think a better situation on all worlds.

Origins Zero Oil Oil Free Moisturizing Lotion
Origins Zero Oil Oil Free Moisturizing Lotion

$ 30 Nordstrom

We've also heard a lot about this Origins Moisturizer for oily skin. Despite its brand, it is not completely oil-free, it contains no mineral oil, although it still contains a handful of essential oils that help to cleanse the skin and reduce oil thanks to salicylic acid and the silica it contains.

Murad Oil Control SPF15 Mattier
Murad Matifieur Oil Control SPF15

$ 40 at Dermstore

In general, the blue line of skin care products in Murad acne is well-studied and popular with sufferers. They form this moisturizing control oil that reduces shine and adds extra SPF. We recommend it.

Kate Somerville Oil-Free Moisturizer
Moisturizer without Oil by Kate Somerville

$ 65 for Ulta

If you're ready to spend a little extra money on a boring look, there's also this Somerville moisturizer that responds to oily skin with its "oil-absorbing bullets" and sea-enhancing extracts that strengthen the skin.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: According to dermatologists, the best moisturizers for oily skin - New York Magazine
According to dermatologists, the best moisturizers for oily skin - New York Magazine
Water Based Moisturizer
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