The Best Pharmacy Cosmetics Products Used for the Red Carpet in 2018 - E! INFORMATION

Good news: To achieve glamor, make-up that earns the red carpet does not have to be expensive. The test was carried out on the red carpet ...

Good news: To achieve glamor, make-up that earns the red carpet does not have to be expensive.

The test was carried out on the red carpet in 2018. Grammy Awards E! People's Choice, celebrities, and their trusted make-up artist have chosen products that you can purchase at your pharmacy or add to your Amazon cart. They are affordable, effective and effective. In truth, what more could you ask for a make-up product?

Even if you know that Target products offer the desired brightness, it's difficult to spot the best products as you push your shopping cart into the path of beauty products. All ads repeat the same promises: healthy hair, hydrated skin, long eyelashes, etc. How do you know if the product you own is a winner?

Let Hollywood guide you. If this is enough for people like Yara Shahidi , Bebe Rexha, and others to be in front of the lightning cameras, it's worth a try.

To make life even easier, we've tried the best hair, skin and make-up products on the red carpet and offered the best of the best, so you can buy easily. Discover them below!

ESC: The Best Pharmacy Beauty Products From 2018, Nail Polish

Chelsea Lauren / Shutterstock

For the 2018 Emmy Awards, Star Grown-ish wore a timeless and subtly glamorous nail polish with iridescent iridescence, courtesy of manicurist Emi Kudo .

If you want a nail polish that gives you the versatility of an act, but the effect of a bold color, then this pearly hue is an indispensable purchase.

ESC: The Best Pharmacy Beauty Products From 2018, Nail Polish

BUY NOW: Essie Nail Polish in Going Steady , $ 8.99

ESC: The Best Pharmacy Beauty Products of 2018, the Best Moisturizer

Neilson Barnard / Getty Images for the ELLE Magazine

For Elle's Women in Hollywood, Allin Avendaño , Differin's ambassador and make-up artist, used a humectant that controls oil production and includes the SPF.

"I always say you have to start with a clean, clear cloth before you can cover anything - this is where Differin's oil moisturizer comes in, " he told E! News "It does not bother you, but it absorbs the oil and gives you this primer".

ESC: The Best Pharmacy Beauty Products of 2018, the Best Moisturizer

BUY NOW: Differin SPF 30 Oil Control Moisturizer , $ 9.30

ESC: The Best Pharmacy Beauty Products of the Year 2018, Lip Balm

Todd Williamson / E! entertainment

People's Choice Awards Famous make-up artist Beau Nelson signed up with a $ 4.99 pharmacy that's not to be missed on the lips and cheekbones. While the product contains shea butter and the natural oils of a lip balm (the brand's unmistakable product), the new version, launched in time for the holidays, has a red hue.

ESC: The Best Pharmacy Beauty Products of the Year 2018, Lip Balm

BUY NOW: eos Shimmer Dazzling Ruby Tint , Now $ 2.49

ESC: The Best Pharmacy Beauty Products of 2018, Shampoo + Conditioner

Matthew Eisman / FilmMagic

In anticipation of MTV VMA 2018 , hairdresser Ursula Stephen used a shampoo and conditioner that would cost her $ 6. In addition to the sweet scent of the whole, the light formula with rose oil was the hero of her blonde platinum hairstyle.

ESC: The Best Pharmacy Beauty Products of 2018, Shampoo + Conditioner

David Livingston / Getty Images

Purchase: Suave Professionals Rose Oil Infusion Shampoo and Conditioner , $ 2.97 each

ESC: The Best Beauty Products for Pharmacies in 2018, Thermal Insulation

Danny Moloshok / Invision for TV / AP images

Before she could heat up Glow Stars hair for her Emmys hairstyle from 2018 , brand ambassador and star barber Jillian Halouska used an OGX hydrolyzed silk and quinoa spray. When used sparingly, the product dries quickly and protects the braids from heat up to 450 ° F.

ESC: The Best Beauty Products for Pharmacies in 2018, Thermal Insulation

BUY NOW: OGX Protecting + Silk Dry Dry Thermal Spray , $ 6.97

ESC: The Best Pharmacy Cosmetics Products of the Year 2018, Styling Cream

Carl Timpone / BFA / REX / Shutterstock

The Hairdressing Actress Met 2018 Gala needed a product that would hold her hair in place. Barber Gregory Russell opted for a foam product with a nutritional formula that costs less than $ 10.

ESC: The Best Pharmacy Cosmetics Products of the Year 2018, Styling Cream

BUY NOW: Marc Anthony Genuine Professional Foam Perfect for perfect Curl 7-in-1 buckles, Perfect Loop , $ 8.99

ESC: The Best Pharmacy Beauty Products of 2018, Dry Shampoo

Neilson Barnard / Getty Images

To complement the beauty of the singer's Gala Met 2018, stylist Brent Lawler applied a $ 5 dry shampoo to the star's braids and added to the movement and volume of the appearance.

ESC: The Best Pharmacy Beauty Products of 2018, Dry Shampoo

BUY NOW: Dove Refresh + Care Dry Fresh Coconut Shampoo , $ 4.88



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: The Best Pharmacy Cosmetics Products Used for the Red Carpet in 2018 - E! INFORMATION
The Best Pharmacy Cosmetics Products Used for the Red Carpet in 2018 - E! INFORMATION
Water Based Moisturizer
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