India - Six Benefits for Skin Care and Glycerol Applications - MENAFN.COM

(MENAFN - NewsBytes) Glycerine or glycol is not without reason a common ingredient in Indian house...

(MENAFN - NewsBytes) Glycerine or glycol is not without reason a common ingredient in Indian households.

We say that because the gelatinous fluid contained in a variety of cosmetic products is inherently good for the skin.

An excellent moisturizer, glycerin, gives you a soft, shiny and supple skin with regular use.

Here are six benefits to glycerin skin care and how to use it.

Advantages 1.2
Glycerin moisturizes the skin and helps balance the pH.

Hydration: Glycerin is a natural moisturizer for the skin. Regular use of glycerin keeps your skin fresh and hydrated.

PH Balance: Regular use of glycerin creates a layer of moisture in your skin that protects it from harmful UV rays, protecting your skin's health and protection. It also reduces the loss of water from the skin due to evaporation.

Advantages 3.4
Glycerin prevents acne and has anti-aging effects.

Acne: Many skincare products tend to clog pores, resulting in acne breakouts. However, glycerin does not contain oil and is not comedogenic, which means it does not clog pores and thus prevent acne.

Anti-aging effect: By maintaining the moisture in the skin and eliminating dead cells, glycerin gives the skin a natural glow and combats the symptoms of premature aging.

Benefits 5.6
It has antifungal properties and removes dead skin.

Antifungal Properties: Glycerin is a natural medicine for the skin and has amazing healing properties, especially in the treatment of skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

Eliminate dead skin: By breaking down the proteins in dead skin cells and removing them from our skin, glycerine paves the way for the generation of new, healthy skin cells and combats problems such as skin haze.

Use of glycerin for skin care

The benefits of glycerin to improve skin health can be exploited in many ways.

You can use it as night moisturizer, hand moisturizer, skin cleanser, conditioner, anti-aging mask, crackle tonic, make-up remover and acne treatment.

You can also look for glycerine in the range of skin care ingredients when you buy cosmetics.




Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: India - Six Benefits for Skin Care and Glycerol Applications - MENAFN.COM
India - Six Benefits for Skin Care and Glycerol Applications - MENAFN.COM
Water Based Moisturizer
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