The best foundation for oily skin, from the pharmacy to the luxury Yahoo lifestyle

Buying a base on oily skin can be complicated. Although you can choose the default value for the most boring formula you can find, there ar...

Buying a base on oily skin can be complicated. Although you can choose the default value for the most boring formula you can find, there are other factors to consider, such as: For example, the texture of your skin, the desired coverage and the desired finish.

Too boring and your makeup may look dry and wrinkled and stick to fine lines and pores. It is not boring enough and you will have a splash of oily oil on your face at noon. After many trials and errors over the years, we have reduced the best basis for oily skin.

Just in case we had two makeup artist Sarah Lucero, Global Executive Director, creator of Stila Cosmetics and Kelli Bartlett, famous artist and art director of Glamsquad, the professional advice given, and some of their favorite products in battle. shine

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At $ 8 per bottle and 38 colors, this is a good starting point if you are not sure which base to buy. (This is also a good option if you are in between two shades and need a transitional color to feel dizzy until, for example, your summer tan recurs.) With its blurry micro-polyvos that reduce the appearance of bumps, redness, or bumps. Texture, a publisher describes this liquid formula as "the most forgiving, both in the application and in the finish". The only drawback is that the cover is at best light to medium. If you need more coverage, we recommend using it with a concealer. Professional advice: Dry your skin before applying a primer. In this way it starts with a smooth and clean surface (giving it an even longer life).

Buy it ($ 8)

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Not for nothing a cult classic, this oil-free formula looks like a light cream. (Take it with you: This is combined as a dream and is virtually child's play, even for beginners in make-up). Although clear enough from the start, the blanket can be easily constructed to hide redness or pimples without slipping off the face or sitting on uneven ground all day long. Professional advice: Dust the forehead, nose and chin with a translucent fixing powder to give it a natural glow in selected areas such as the cheekbones.

Buy it ($ 46)

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This CC cream (ie the color correction cream) provides a surprisingly high opacity without the skin feels too heavy. With fluffy pigments and linseed extract in the formula, fine lines and pores are reduced while excess fat is absorbed from the face. We used it during the hot summer days and our complexion remained remarkably intact. Professional tip: "Prepare your skin with a water-based gel or moisturizer that helps to moisturize the skin without making it greasy and then use a mattifying or oil-free primer that softens and softens the skin Prevents the penetration of makeup in your pores. "Bartlett says. (We love Tatcha's Water Cream and Lancôme's Pro Base .)

Buy it ($ 38)

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"I like to use a base that does not contain oil but has a creamy texture, this duo (which has a base and a matching concealer on top) marks both boxes, and I work with many customers who have greasy skin and swear by it. because they provide full coverage without looking for too much make-up, and it's so easy to push and stay the whole day without migration, "says Lucero. Pro Tip: Use a makeup sponge to use liquid or creamy formulas, not your fingers. "This prevents you from having excess base on the surface of your skin, increasing the risk of slipping or transferring."

Buy it ($ 40)

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For fat girls, who also tend to rash, this powder is really a blessing. With a blend of skin-balancing ingredients such as zinc, sulfur and kaolin, it absorbs excess superficial oils while salicylic acid deepens to cleanse the pores. "I perfect it with a spongy make-up brush for a soft, natural coating that really stays on my face," said one editor. Professional advice : "For the small benefits of lunch, I recommend stroking the Blotterazzi Beauty Blender on your skin, which looks like powder or blotting paper, but is much better because it does not disrupt your base," advises Lucero.

Buy it ($ 29)

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It is true that the price of a base is a little expensive, but it is worth spending this long term formula if you want to avoid shine. (We keep this guy for special occasions that help him live longer). The liquid powder formula slides on the skin without scratches and sinks quickly to get a smooth, even fabric. The kaolinite clay keeps the oil in check all day long.

Seriously, we've used it in all climates and conditions (including the 12-hour shooting days when we have warm lights on our faces). Professional advice: "The moisturizer is your best friend as it helps you to repair your makeup without drying out your skin, which could give your face more fat," says Bartlett.

Buy it ($ 56)

CONNECTION: We ask for a derm: What ingredients should you avoid if you have oily skin?



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: The best foundation for oily skin, from the pharmacy to the luxury Yahoo lifestyle
The best foundation for oily skin, from the pharmacy to the luxury Yahoo lifestyle
Water Based Moisturizer
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